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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Table 33.6 lists the Recordset object’s many properties.

Table 33.6 The Recordset Object Properties

Property Description

AbsolutePage indicates the current record’s page
AbsolutePosition indicates the current record’s position within the recordset
ActiveConnection indicates the active connection the recordset is using
BOF indicates the beginning of file within the recordset
Bookmark indicates a bookmark reference for the recordset
CacheSize indicates the cache size for the recordset
CursorType indicates the cursor type for the recordset
EditMode indicates whether the current record is being edited or added
EOF indicates the end of file within the recordset
Filter indicates the filter applied to the recordset
LockType indicates the type of lock applied to the recordset
MaxRecords indicates the maximum number of records the recordset will return
PageCount indicates the number of pages within the recordset
PageSize indicates the number of records within a page
RecordCount indicates the recordset’s total number of records
Source indicates the recordset’s source (table or query)
Status indicates the given record’s status

The Recordset object also has several methods that you can use to manipulate it. These methods are outlined in Table 33.7.

Table 33.7 The Recordset Object Methods

Method Description

AddNew creates a new record
CancelBatch cancels the pending batch update
CancelUpdate cancels changes made to the current recordset
Clone creates a new recordset by copying the records from the current recordset
Close closes the current recordset
Delete deletes the current record
GetRows copies the given records into an array
Move moves to the given record within the recordset
MoveFirst moves to the recordset’s first record
MoveLast moves to the recordset’s last record
MoveNext moves to the next record within the recordset
MovePrevious moves to the previous record within the recordset
NextRecordset closes the current recordset and then opens the next recordset
Open opens a recordset
Requery refreshes the recordset by re-executing the query
Resync syncs the current recordset with the database
Supports verifies whether the database supports the given function
Update saves the current record to the database
UpdateBatch saves changes from the batch update to the database

The Field Object

Recall that the Recordset object also has a Field object associated with it because each record returned will contain one or more fields. Table 33.8 lists the Field object’s properties.

Table 33.8 The Field Object Properties

Property Description

ActualSize the data’s actual length
Attribute the field’s data
DefinedSize the field’s maximum size
Name the field’s name
NumericScale scale for numeric field values
OriginalValue the field’s value before it was changed
Precision precision scale for numeric field values
Type the field’s data type
UnderlyingValue the field’s value as stored within the database
Value the field’s actual value

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