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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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A newer use of style sheet attributes is to perform positioning of HTML elements through the CSS positioning attributes. Both Microsoft and Netscape support these attributes in their Web browsers—although, as a new standard, neither Web browser offers perfect support for them. This section focuses on how you can use style sheet attributes to specify positioning of HTML elements within a Web page. You will also see how to do this for Netscape Navigator by using Netscape’s <LAYER> and <ILAYER> tags. Finally, you can learn how to create scripts that can dynamically change the positioning information and how to achieve a measure of cross-platform compatibility between the two flavors of Dynamic HTML.

CSS Positioning

The following list shows the most important style sheet attributes concerning positioning and manipulation of elements within an HTML document. Through the use and manipulation of these attributes, it is possible to precisely determine the two-dimensional positioning of everything within the Web browser window. In situations where HTML elements overlap, it is also possible to specify the relative three-dimensional placement.

The list shows the name of the attribute, followed by its possible values, and a description of what it is used for. The default value for each attribute is shown in bold type.

Possible values: absolute | relative | static
This determines whether the element will accept further positioning attributes and whether they will be referenced absolutely to the Web browser window or relative to the location of the element on the page. If an element is static, it cannot be positioned further and will behave like a conventional, static HTML element.
Possible values: absolute length | percentage | auto
Defines the left edge of the element, either with an absolute length or as a percentage.
Possible values: absolute length | percentage | auto
Defines the top edge of the element, either with an absolute length or as a percentage.
Possible values: absolute length | percentage | auto
Defines the width of the element, either with an absolute length or as a percentage.
Possible values: absolute length | percentage | auto
Defines the height of the element, either with an absolute length or as a percentage.
Possible values: bounding box | auto
If specified, the bounding box gives the four numbers that define a rectangle that is the visible portion of the element.
Possible values: scroll | visible | hidden | auto
Specifies how parts of the HTML element outside the visible area defined by the bounding box are displayed, if at all.
Possible values: stacking order | auto
Determines the three-dimensional stacking order of HTML elements. The higher the z-index value, the farther to the front it is displayed.
Possible values: visible | hidden | auto
You can use this attribute to make an HTML element visible or not visible.

NOTE:  By default, location and lengths in CSS attributes are given in units of pixels. You can specify other units by giving the unit abbreviation (for example, “1in”).

Listing 24.1 shows an example in Internet Explorer of how to position HTML elements—in this case, three copies of an image and a block of text—using CSS positioning attributes. Styles are defined for two of the images using an embedded style sheet, defined by the <STYLE> tag, and attached to the HTML tags using the CLASS attribute (the third copy of the image uses the default style). The block of text is assigned style parameters using the STYLE attribute of the <DIV> container tag.

Listing 24.1 CssPos.htmUsing CSS Attributes to Position HTML Elements

<TITLE>CSS Positioning</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE=“text/css”> <!--
.sample1 {
   position: absolute;
   left: 100px;
   top: 100px;
   width: 150px;
   height: 150px;
.sample2 {
   position: relative;
   left: 275px;
   top: -300px;
   width: 200px;
   z-index: -1;
} -->
<H1>CSS Positioning</H1>
<IMG SRC=“Tux.jpg” WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=335 BORDER=0>
<IMG CLASS=“sample1” SRC=“Tux.jpg” WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=335 BORDER=0>
<IMG CLASS=“sample2” SRC=“Tux.jpg” WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=335 BORDER=0>
<DIV STYLE=“position: absolute; top: 1.75in; left: 1.5in;
            z-index: 4;color: yellow; font: 36pt Verdana”>
   Works With Text, Too!
Jim O’Donnell, <A HREF=“mailto:odonnj@rpi.edu”>odonnj@rpi.edu</A>

This HTML document produces a Web page with three renderings of the same image and a block of text (along with the header and footer information identifying the example and author). As shown in Figure 24.1, one of these images is placed inline, the way images are conventionally placed within a Web page. The second image uses as its class name “sample1,” which attaches the corresponding style to it. As a result, this image is absolutely positioned 100 pixels down and to the left of the upper-left corner of the Web browser window. Also, because the width and height defined in the style are smaller than the actual width and height of the image, it is scaled to fit. Because no value for the z-index attribute is specified, this image appears above the first image defined.

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