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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Table 19.7 HTML Form input Object Properties, Methods, and Events

Property What It Contains

name the value of the element’s NAME attribute
value the field’s contents
defaultValue the initial contents of the field

Method What It Does

focus() moves the input focus to the specified object
blur() moves the input focus away from the specified object
select() selects the specified object
submit() submits the form according to its ACTION and METHOD attributes

Event When It Occurs

onFocus triggered when the user moves the input focus to the field, either via the Tab key or a mouse click
onBlur triggered when the user moves the input focus out of this field
onSelect triggered when the user selects text in the field
onSubmit triggered when the form is submitted
onChange triggered only when the field loses focus and the user has modified its text; use this action to validate data in a field

Individual buttons and check boxes have properties, too; JavaScript provides properties to get objects containing a button’s data, as well as methods for doing something when the user selects or deselects a particular button. Table 19.8 shows some of the properties, methods, and events defined for button elements.

Table 19.8 HTML Form radio and checkbox Object Properties, Methods, and Events

Property What It Contains

name the value of the button’s NAME attribute
value the VALUE attribute
checked the state of a check box
defaultChecked the initial state of a check box

Method What It Does

focus() moves the input focus to the specified object
blur() moves the input focus away from the specified object
click() clicks a button and triggers whatever actions are attached to it
submit() submits the form according to its ACTION and METHOD attributes

Event When It Occurs

onClick triggered when the button is pressed
onFocus triggered when the user moves the input focus to the field, either via the Tab key or a mouse click
onBlur triggered when the user moves the input focus out of this field
onSubmit triggered when the form is submitted
onChange triggered only when the field loses focus and the user has modified its text; use this action to validate data in a field

For more details and examples of what you can do with JavaScript and the objects, properties, and methods associated with HTML forms, see Chapter 21, “Using JavaScript to Create Smart Forms.”

  See “Client-Side Form Validation,” p. 514.

The image Object

The last Web browser object to be discussed in this chapter is the image object. One image object is created in a document by each <IMG> tag on the page. These objects are referenced through an image’s object array; the object’s array has a length property that you can use to find out how many images are present. Table 19.9 shows some of the other properties and events associated with the image object.

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