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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Listing 18.2 CallJS.htmCalling a JavaScript Function with the Click of a Button or Hypertext Link

<!-- Hide this script from incompatible Web browsers! -->
function pressed() {
    alert(“I said Don’t Press Me!”);
//   Hide this script from incompatible Web browsers! -->
<TITLE>JavaScripts Attached to HTML Elements...</TITLE>
<FORM NAME=”Form1">
<H1>JavaScripts Attached to HTML Elements...</H1>
<DT>Attach Javascript user function to button with onClick event...</DT>
<DD><INPUT TYPE=”button” NAME=”Button1" VALUE=”Don’t Press Me!”
<DT>Attach Javascript system function to button with onClick event...</DT>
<DD><INPUT TYPE=”button” NAME=”Button2" VALUE=”Don’t Press Me!”
        onClick=”alert(‘I said Don\’t Press Me!’)”></DD>
<DT>Attach Javascript user function to hypertext link with
⇒”javascript:” url...</DT>
<DD><A HREF=”javascript:pressed()”>Don’t Press Me!</A></DD>
<A HREF=”mailto:odonnj@rpi.edu”><EM>Jim O’Donnell</EM></A>

FIGURE 18.2  JavaScript functions can be attached to form fields through several methods.

Three ways to call a JavaScript function from an HTML element are shown in Listing 18.2. The first attaches a user function call to the onClick event of an HTML forms element. The second way shows that you can directly call built-in JavaScript functions using the onClick event. This works particularly well when you are trying to do something simple. Finally, you can use the “javascript:” URL protocol to attach a JavaScript function call to a hypertext link. In the example shown in Listing 18.2, clicking either button or the hypertext link pops up the alert box shown in Figure 18.2.

JavaScript also provides you with an alternative way to attach functions to objects and their events. For simple actions, you can attach the JavaScript directly to the attribute of the HTML form element. This listing produces the output shown in Figure 18.2.

Sometimes you have code that should not be evaluated or executed until after all the page’s HTML has been parsed and displayed. An example would be a function to print out all the URLs referenced in the page. If this function is evaluated before all the HTML on the page has been loaded, it misses some URLs. Therefore, the call to the function should come at the page’s end. You can define the function itself anywhere in the HTML document; it is the function call that you should put at the end of the page.

NOTE:  JavaScript code to modify the actual HTML contents of a document (as opposed to merely changing the text in a form text input field, for instance) must be executed during page evaluation. The only exception to this is when using Dynamic HTML, which, in some cases and on some browsers, enables you to change page content after initial evaluation.

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