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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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  Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)—SMIL is intended for authoring presentations of multimedia content. The premise behind SMIL is to provide a simple, text-based language for creating multimedia presentations and to allow for controlling the order of presentation and any special effects within the presentation (control panels, slow motion, hyperlinks, and so on).
  Channel Definition Format (CDF)—Microsoft’s vision for push technology on the Web is supported by CDF. Web site administrators can turn all or part of their sites into “Webcasting channels” by building a CDF file that drives the channel. XML is useful in creating CDF because it was necessary to create elements to define the channel and the schedule for updating the channel content.
  See “CDF and Active Desktop Components,” p. 415.
  Mathematical Markup Language (MML)—Mathematics is a discipline with many unique publishing requirements, especially when it comes to special characters such as operator symbols or Greek letters. MML enables documents with heavy mathematical content to be rendered on the Web.
  Chemical Markup Language (CML)—Publications in chemistry need to be capable of expressing descriptions of chemical formulas, equations, and molecule structures. CML supports chemists who want to publish their research to the Internet.

The preceding list of applications covers a diverse range of content. No one of these areas could have been handled by HTML, yet XML has the flexibility to define a electronic publication markup language for each one.

XML Software

Now that XML is moving toward having a relatively stable standard to grow from, more and more XML-related software is becoming available. These programs tend to fall into one of three classes:

  XML browsers
  XML parsers/validators
  XML editors

Because the XML style sheet specification has yet to come into sharp focus, few XML browsers exist at the moment; those that do exist are fairly primitive in their presentation capabilities. After XSL is on a firmer foundation, you can expect XML browsers to be more adept at presenting information marked up with XML.

It’s a fairly easy matter to produce an XML parser/validator because the rules for what composes a valid XML document are rigidly defined. Such a program would first need to check whether the document is well formed. If it is, the next step is to scan the document’s DTD and check to see whether the document conforms to the rules in the DTD. If it does, then it is a valid document.

Finally, more and more XML editors are emerging. These are also fairly straightforward to program because all an editor has to do is give users an environment in which they can create their own tags. One editor that has received favorable press is XML <PRO> from Vervet Logic (http://www.vervet.com/). After you create a root element for your XML document, XML <PRO> enables you to define other elements and associate attributes with those elements. Any element you define is listed in the floating Elements box (see Figure 11.2).

FIGURE 11.2  XML <PRO> gives you an environment for defining your own XML elements and their attributes.

After you have some elements defined, you can begin to build your document tree in the left side of the XML <PRO> window. You insert an element from the Elements box into the tree by clicking the element to select it and then clicking the Insert button at the bottom of the box. The tree is shown in a hierarchical structure—much the same way folders and files are displayed in the Windows Explorer (refer to Figure 11.2).

After you’ve built up a document tree, you can ask XML <PRO> to generate the corresponding XML code. By choosing the View XML option from the Tools menu, you’ll get a pop-up box containing the XML that would be parsed to produce the document tree you’ve built (refer to Figure 11.2). When you save the document, XML <PRO> will save the code you see displayed in the pop-up box.

Other useful features of XML <PRO> include

  DTD Association—XML <PRO> won’t help you to write a DTD for your document, but after you’ve written one, you can associate it with your document. XML <PRO> will insert the appropriate tag into your document, linking it to the DTD you specify.
  Document validation—If you’ve associated a DTD with a document, you can use the XML <PRO> validator to test the document for validity.
  Entity palette—A floating palette is available for inserting any entities you define. Choose Options, Show Entity Palette to activate the palette.

XML <PRO> retails for $149.95. You can download a demo version of XML <PRO> from the Vervet Logic Web site at http://www.vervet.com/.

NOTE:  As more public XML-related software becomes available, you can find it posted on Robin Cover’s Public SGML/XML Software page at http://www.sil.org/sgml/publicSW.html.


XML is in the early stages of development and is sure to evolve beyond the draft specifications that have already been put forward. What’s more, these changes will probably occur rapidly because there is such a push to stop extending HTML and to start using a more flexible alternative.

The following list identifies some online resources that you can use to keep apprised of all the developments surrounding XML. Be sure to check them frequently so that you know the status of the “next wave” for Web document markup.

  The World Wide Web Consortium is the arbiter of the XML specification. You can find the W3C XML page at http://www.w3.org/XML/. Here you will find links to the most recent XML, XLink, XPoint, and XSL drafts, and listings of XML-related software, such as parsers and browsers.
  The XML Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list at http://www.ucc.ie/xml/ is an excellent reference, with separate sections for general, user-, author-, and developer-related questions.
  Norman Walsh maintains a good set of XML-related bookmarks at http://nwalsh.com/sgml/index.html.
  Jon Bosak of Sun Microsystems authored the highly regarded article “XML, Java, and the Future of the Web,” which looks into the type of automated processing that will be possible with XML-based documents. You can find the article online at http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/sun-info/standards/xml/why/xmlapps.htm.
  You can learn all about DSSSL, the basis for the XML style specification, at http://www.jclark.com/dsssl/.

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