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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Now the chosen fields in the form will be confirmed before the data is sent along for processing. If you look at the Confirmation Field Components on the confirmation page, they will appear as the field name enclosed in square brackets. If you look at the HTML source code for the Confirmation Field Components, you’ll see something such as the following:

<!--webbot bot=“ConfirmationField” s-field=“phone_number” -->

When users submit a form with fields set up for confirmation, they will be presented with your confirmation page that will repeat back to them what they entered. If the data entered is incorrect, users can make changes to it from the confirmation page.

NOTE:  Form field confirmation is different from form field validation. When you validate a field, you check to see if the input in the field conforms to a particular format. You might validate a phone number, for example, to see if it is in the form xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Form field validation is frequently done with client-side scripting. You can read about how to do form field validation with JavaScript in Chapter 21, “Using JavaScript to Create Smart Forms.”

Using the Page Banner Component

The Page Banner Component places a banner across the top of the page in either an image-based or a text-based format. If you choose an image and one of the FrontPage graphic themes has been applied, the banner graphic will have the same look and feel as the theme (see Figure 10.17). A text-based banner will also have the same look and feel as the text within the theme. By default, the banner will display the page’s title, regardless of whether you use the image or the text format.

You can change what is displayed on the banner from the Navigation view in the FrontPage Explorer.

FIGURE 10.17  Banners display a page’s title in either image- or text-based form.

To place a banner on a page, place your cursor where you want the banner to appear and choose Insert, FrontPage Component, or click the Insert FrontPage Component toolbar button. In the dialog box that appears, select the Page Banner option and click OK. You’ll then see the Page Banner Properties dialog box shown in Figure 10.18. All you need to do is to tell FrontPage whether you want the banner to be an image or text, and it will do the rest.

FIGURE 10.18  After FrontPage knows whether you want an image or text in your banner, it can proceed with the banner creation.

As you saw in Figure 10.17, a banner shows up on the Normal tab the same as it will look on a browser screen. When you look at the code for the banner, you’ll see something resembling the following:

<!--webbot bot=“Navigation” s-type=“banner” s-rendering=“graphics”
s-orientation b-include-home b-include-up -->

Using the Navigation Bar Component

One final FrontPage Component enables you to automatically place Navigation Bars on your pages. You’ll recall from the site and page design chapters that giving users consistent navigation to all parts of your site is an important measure of a usable site. By using FrontPage’s Navigation Bar Component, you can implement site navigation across all your pages with ease.

To use the Navigation Bar Component, perform these steps:

1.  From the Insert menu, choose the Navigation Bar option. This opens the Navigation Bar Properties dialog box you see in Figure 10.19.
2.  First you need to specify what pages should be included in the navigation links. FrontPage enables you to choose from pages at the parent level (one level above the current level), pages at the same level of the current page, back and next pages, pages at the child level (one level below the current level), and pages at the top level. In addition to your level choice, you can also include links to a page’s parent page and the site’s home page.

If you aren’t clear as to the meaning of parent level, child level, and top level, look at the hierarchical diagram in the dialog box as you choose different levels. The diagram will change to match the selected level, and you’ll have a visual representation of what pages will be linked in your navigation bar.

3.  Next you need to choose how you want the navigation bar to appear on the page. You can choose either a horizontal or vertical orientation and either a button-based or text-based set of links.
4.  When you’re done configuring your navigation bar, click the OK button to place it on the page.

When the component appears on the Normal tab, you’ll see some text that reads “[Button][Button][Button].” Over on the HTML tab, you’ll see corresponding code that looks something like the following:

<P><!--webbot bot=“Navigation” S-Type=“arrows” S-Orientation=“vertical”
S-Rendering=“graphics” B-Include-Home=“TRUE” B-Include-Up=“true” --></P>

FIGURE 10.19  FrontPage can construct a set of navigation links based on its knowledge of your site’s hierarchical structure.

NOTE:  The Navigation Bar Component is not available from the dialog box you saw in Figure 10.5. You can only select it from the Insert menu.

How FrontPage Handles Imagemaps

The FrontPage Editor has toolbar buttons you can use to trace out hot regions on an image when you’re creating an imagemap. After you’ve completed a trace, FrontPage prompts you for the URL to associate with the hot region. But what FrontPage does with the imagemap information after this may surprise you. This section looks at FrontPage’s default approach to handling imagemaps, and how you can adjust it to your needs.

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