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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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NOTE:  Using the Include Page Component, you can include a file from a different server. All you need to do is specify the full URL of the file so that your server knows to look to another server for the file.

When you click OK in the Include Page dialog box, you’ll initially see the URL you entered displayed in italic on the Normal tab. FrontPage will try to access the file and build it in right then for you, but if it can’t, you’ll continue to see the italicized URL. On the HTML tab, you’ll see a chunk of code such as the following:

<!--webbot bot=“Include” u-include=“copyright.htm” tag=“BODY” -->

Using the Scheduled Image Component

Another Web site task that’s often hard to keep track of is posting and removing time-sensitive content. You may remember to post the content at a certain time, but it is easy to forget about removing it after it has expired unless you marked it on your calendar. FrontPage can help you with these situations with its Scheduled Event Components. The first of these is the Scheduled Image Component that you can use to place an image on a page at a specific time and to remove or replace it at a later time.

To place a Scheduled Image Component, follow these instructions:

1.  Choose Insert, FrontPage Components, or click the Insert FrontPage Component toolbar button to display the list of available components.
2.  Highlight the Schedule Image option and then click OK. This calls up the Scheduled Image Properties dialog box you see in Figure 10.10. Here you can specify the image file to display, when to start displaying it, and when to stop displaying it. You also have the option of specifying an image to display before and after the scheduled times.

FIGURE 10.10  Scheduled Images are useful for placing a special image on a page for a limited period of time.

NOTE:  The image you choose to display doesn’t have to be on your own server. You can specify an URL that points to an image file on another server as well. Keep in mind, though, that if the image file is removed from the remote server, your server won’t be able to insert it when the page is served. Therefore, you may want to make a copy of the image on your server so that you’ll always have access to it.

After you configure the Scheduled Image and click OK, the image or its alternate will show up on the Normal tab if FrontPage can access it. On the HTML tab, you’ll see code similar to the following:

<P><!--webbot bot=“ScheduledImage” U-Src=“holiday_banner.jpg”
U-Else-Src=“normal_banner.jpg” D-Start-Date=“30 Nov 1998 08:25:47”
D-End-Date=“04 Jan 1999 08:25:47” --></P>

Using the Scheduled Include Page Component

The Scheduled Include Page Component works in a way that is similar to the Schedule Image Component. The primary difference is that the Scheduled Include Page Component builds in the contents of an entire page for a specified period of time, rather than only an image.

When you choose Insert, FrontPage Component, or click the Insert FrontPage Component toolbar button and then select the Scheduled Include Page Component, you’ll see a dialog box that’s virtually identical to the one you saw in Figure 10.10. The only difference is that you are prompted to provide the URL of an HTML file and not the URL of an image. Note that you can display one file during the scheduled time and specify an alternate file to use before and after the scheduled display times.

Assuming FrontPage can access it, your Scheduled Include Page (or its alternate, depending on the timing) will appear on the Normal tab of the FrontPage Editor. The code for the Scheduled Include Page Component on the HTML tab will look something like the following:

<!--webbot bot=“ScheduledInclude” u-include=“pageone-halloween.htm”
u-else-include=“pageone.htm” d-start-date=“31 Oct 1998 00:01:00”
d-end-date=“01 Nov 1998 00:01:00” -->

Using the Table of Contents Component

A table of contents can be another one of those site elements that is a “pain to maintain.” Because tables of contents are also a valuable service to your visitors, it’s important to make an effort to try to keep yours current. FrontPage can help you with this task by providing you with the Table of Contents Component.

To place a Table of Contents Component on your site, choose Insert, Table of Contents to reveal the Table of Contents Properties dialog box you see in Figure 10.11. Here you specify the file that is the starting point for your table of contents. FrontPage will follow all the links on the page and catalog the files it find along the way. Then FrontPage traverses the links it finds on these files, and so on, until it has generated a table of contents for the entire site.

FIGURE 10.11  FrontPage will automatically generate and maintain a site table of contents, sparing you from having to track all the changes.

NOTE:  The Table of Contents Component is not available from the dialog box you saw in Figure 10.5. You can only select it from the Insert menu.

Note also in the dialog box that you have control over the heading style used to render the table of contents. You can also specify that each file appear only once (a good idea if you have a lot of multiple linked files on your site) and that pages with no incoming hyperlinks appear (a good idea if you have many standalone pages). The Recompute feature is perhaps the nicest part of the Table of Contents Component because it will automatically redo the table if you make changes to any of the files.

Recomputing your table of contents can place a temporary drain on server resources, so you should try to make changes that would trigger a recomputation at times when the load on the server is relatively low.

When the Tables of Contents Component is placed on your page, it will appear as a bulleted list of links on the Normal tab. You can follow the links by holding down the Control key while you click them. On the HTML tab, you’ll see a call to the Outline bot as follows:

<!--webbot bot=“Outline” U-URL=“index.htm” B-Aggressive-Trimming=“TRUE”
B-Show-Orphans=“TRUE” B-Manual-Recalc=“FALSE” I-Heading=“1” TAG=“BODY” -->

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