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HTML 4.0 Sourcebook
OBJECT Embedding of Applets Of course, OBJECT can embed many things, not just images or simple data files. As an example, external applets can be included using OBJECT, illustrating that this element is a general-purpose successor to APPLET. Consider the APPLET markup example from Figure 2.32. The APPLET element was: <APPLET CODEBASE=http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/JamesStewart/378/notes/ CODE=bst.class WIDTH=321 HEIGHT=151 VSPACE=10 HSPACE=10ALIGN=right> <PARAM NAME=keys value=50 42 43 15 6 23 17 30> <PARAM NAME=action value=rotate> <PARAM NAME=alternate_nodes value=15 42> <BLOCKQUOTE> <HR> If you were using a Java-enabled Web browser, you would see a binary search tree instead of this paragraph. <HR> </BLOCKQUOTE> </APPLET> where CODEBASE referred to the location of the class libraries, and CODE was the name of the class to run. The following illustrates the same applet embedding, but using OBJECTthe changes are shown in boldface. <OBJECT CODEBASE=http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/JamesStewart/378/notes/ CLASSID=java:bst.class WIDTH=321 HEIGHT=151 VSPACE=10 HSPACE=10 ALIGN=right> <PARAM NAME=keys value=50 42 43 15 6 23 17 30> <PARAM NAME=action value=rotate> <PARAM NAME=alternate_nodes value=15 42> <BLOCKQUOTE> <HR> If you were using a Java-enabled Web browser, you would see a binary search tree instead of this paragraph. <HR> </BLOCKQUOTE> </OBJECT> With OBJECT, CLASSID specifies the class ID for the applet to be runhere, this is a special class-related URL specifying a generic class ID for the desired code. In this case, the actual location of the code is given by the CODEBASE attribute, which is assigned the URL for the library or other resource containing the CLASSID-specified class. If CODEBASE is not given, then the code base takes, as its default value, the URL used to retrieve the document containing the OBJECT. Note, however, that the browser may not need to access the CODEBASE resourcesthe CLASSID may contain sufficient information that the browser can find the required code on the local filesystem, without accessing it remotely. This is not true for the java URL example given above, but is true in other casesan example is given below. CLASSID can also be a URL pointing to the program or class file, in which case CODEBASE may not be necessary, since the object is probably located in the same directory as the required, associated class files. When this is not the case, Figure 7.23 Clientside imagemaps using OBJECT and MAP elements. <OBJECT DATA=activeimage.gif USEMAP=#mapref ALIGN=left HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=180> > ... alternative markup ... </OBJECT> ..... additional markup .... <MAP NAME=mapref> <AREA HREF=intro.html SHAPE=rect COORDS=20,20,60,40 ALT=Introduction> <AREA HREF=welcome.html SHAPE=circle COORDS=70,70,10 ALT=Welcome> <AREA HREF=blobby.html SHAPE=poly COORDS=100,100, 100,110, 110, 120, 90, 130 ALT=Visit Mr. Blobby!> <AREA HREF=help.html SHAPE=default ALT=help> </MAP> CLASSID often must specify, via special URL scheme names, the type of the code. The names and meanings for some of these special schemes are given in Table 7.3. OBJECT also can take the optional CODETYPE attribute, which gives the MIME type of the program code. A browser can use this information to skip loading the referenced applet, should the browser not support the indicated type of code. For example, TYPE=application/com could indicate a Microsoft COM objectbrowsers unable to run COM objects could then skip loading the object and instead display the HTML content of the OBJECT. OBJECT Reference to ActiveX Objects Microsoft first implemented OBJECT to support ActiveX embeddingthat is, to use OBJECT to embed a variety of ActiveX plugins and downloadable code libraries into HTML documents. ActiveX objects have CLASSID values of the form:
clsid:classidentifier where classidentifier is a global identifier that unambiguously identifies the object. In this case, CODEBASE indicates the location from which the object (and any required supporting code) can be obtained. However, if the ActiveX object with the indicated class ID is installed on the browser, the ActiveX handler is smart enough to check to see if the local version is uptodate and use the local version if it is current. Here is an example OBJECT reference to an ActiveX object (some of the URLs have been shortened to reduce the lengths of the lines): <OBJECT ID=pilot CLASSID=clsid:D27CDB6EAE6D11CF96B8444553540000 CODEBASE=<http://..../flash/cabs/swflash.cab#version=2,1,0,7> ALIGN=top BORDER=0 WIDTH=90% HEIGHT=100%> <PARAM NAME=Movie value=whatson/whatson_new.spl> <PARAM NAME=Play value=true> <PARAM NAME=loop value=false> <PARAM NAME=Quality value=best> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000> <EMBED SRC=whatson/whatson_new.spl BGCOLOR=#000000 BORDER=0 TYPE=application/xshockwaveflash PLUGINSPAGE=<http://../index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash> ALIGN=left WIDTH=90% HEIGHT=100% NAME=pilot VALIGN=top QUALITY=best PLAY=true LOOP=false> </OBJECT> This reference is to a Macromedia Shockwave Splash player, accessible from the indicated CODEBASE. Note how the PARAM element with NAME=Movie references the movie file to be played. This URL is passed to the Shockwave player, which retrieves the data and displays it on the page. Note also how the OBJECT contains an EMBED element, so that older browsers that do not understand OBJECT can fall back to this earlier embedding format. Referencing Both Data and Data Handler Finally, an object can reference both the code to be executed and the data to be processed by the code. For example, the following OBJECT element specifies both a data file and a special Java applet that should process the data: <OBJECT DATA=<http://www.whoopee.com/test/frogs.cpt> TYPE=application/hdf CLASSID=java:dataanal.hdf.start CODBASE=<http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/javaapps/> CODETYPE=application/javavm> <PARAM NAME=resolution VALUE=fine> <P>Sorry, but the browesr was unable to load the Java applet that processes the referenced HDF data file. If you have local software to analyze HDF data files, please select <A HREF= <http://www.whoopee.com/test/frogs.cpt>here</A> to directly download the data.</P> </OBJECT>
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