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HTML 4.0 Sourcebook
(Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Author(s): Ian S. Graham
ISBN: 0471257249
Publication Date: 04/01/98

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HEIGHT=“number” (mandatory if HIDDEN=“false”) Specifies the height of the embedded object, in pixels. This is mandatory if the object is not hidden, as the browser has no other way of knowing the size of the object. Most standard plugin modules are distributed with recommended heights and widths—if you don’t know the correct size, just try experimenting until you find appropriate values.
HIDDEN=“false,” “true” (optional)Specifies whether the plugin is displayed in the document (“false”) or is hidden from view (“true”). The default value is “false.” If the value is “false,” then the HEIGHT and WIDTH must be specified.
HSPACE=“number” (optional; Netscape Navigator only) Specifies a horizontal spacing, in pixels, to leave at the left and right of the plugin. The default value is zero. This is only relevant if “ALIGN=“left” or ALIGN=“right.”
NAME=“string” (optional)Specifies a symbolic name for the embedded object. This allows the object to be referenced by other objects, scripts, or applets embedded in the document, thereby allowing objects to communicate with each other.
PALETTE=“background,” “foreground” (optional)Specifies the color palette to use in rendering the object, in terms of the default colors used by the browser. This is relevant only for Microsoft Windows platforms.
PLUGINSPAGE=“url” (optional)Specifies the URL of a document containing instructions as to how to obtain the plugin required by the EMBEDded object. If the browser does not have an appropriate plugin, it will inform the user of this fact and will give the user the option of visiting this location.
PLUGINSURL=“url” (optional; Netscape Navigator 4 only) Specifies the URL of a Java Archive (JAR) file containing the desired plugin. The browser should run the JAR Installation Manager (JIM), which will ask users if they wish to install the specified JAR plugin. Plugins can be digitally signed, for security. For plugins that only come in the JAR format (and thus that only run on Netscape 4), PLUGINSURL should be used instead of PLUGINSPAGE.
P_NAME=“string” (optional) Specifies names and values required by the embedded object: P_NAME corresponds to an arbitrary attribute name (e.g., STARTURL, LOOPDELAY, etc.) understood by the particular plugin being invoked, while “string” is a value to associate with the name. These names and values are passed to the plugin when it starts running. so that the names and values must have meaning understood by the plugin. This mechanism is typically used to define plugin startup configuration parameters.
Formally, arbitrary attribute names are not allowed by the syntax rules of SGML, so that this mechanism is illegal—this is one of the reasons why EMBED is not part of the HTML standard. The PARAM element, used by APPLET and OBJECT, provides an SGML-valid mechanism for passing arbitrary parameter names and values to an embedded applet or plugin.
SRC=“url” (mandatory if TYPE not specified)Specifies the URL for the data object to be inserted into the document. This can be omitted if TYPE is specified and if the plugin does not need to download data.
TYPE=“mime-type” (mandatory if SRC not specified)Specifies the MIME type for the embedded object. This is used in place of SRC when the plugin requires no data or when the plugin obtains the data itself. In these cases, TYPE simply indicates to the browser which plugin should be started.
VSPACE=“number” (optional; Netscape Navigator only) Specifies a vertical spacing, in pixels, to leave above and below the plugin. The default value is zero. This is only relevant if “ALIGN=“left” or ALIGN=“right.”
WIDTH=“number” (mandatory if HIDDEN=“false”) Specifies the height of the embedded object, in pixels. This is mandatory if the object is not hidden, as the browser has no other way of knowing an object’s size. Most standard plugin modules are distributed with recommended heights and widths—if you don’t know the correct size, just try experimenting until you find appropriate values.

MARQUEE Element: A Scrolling Text Marquee (Internet Explorer Only)

Usage: <MARQUEE> ... </MARQUEE>
Can Contain: Unspecified, probably: characters, character highlighting, A, APPLET, BASEFONT, BR, BUTTON, EMBED, IFRAME, IMG, INPUT, KEYGEN, LABEL, MAP, OBJECT, SPACER, SCRIPT, SELECT, TEXTAREA, WBR
Attributes: CLASS, ID, LANG, STYLE, TITLE, standard event handlers,
MARQUEE delimits a text string to be scrolled on the display—the content of the element is the scrolling text. MARQUEE takes a number of attributes to control the size and placement of the marquee on the page (ALIGN, HEIGHT, HSPACE , and VSPACE) and the behavior of the scrolled text (BEHAVIOR, DIRECTION, LOOP, SCROLLAMOUNT, SCROLLDELAY). BGCOLOR specifies a background color specific to the marquee text. It also takes three special event handling attributes, related to the scrolling nature of the element. The following is a simple example of a MARQUEE:
<MARQUEE ALIGN=“middle” HSPACE=“10” LOOP=“-1” 
   SCROLLDELAY=“4”>Look out -- Falling Aardvarks!!</MARQUEE>

This marquee is shown in Figures 7.12 through 7.14—Figure 7.14 catches the scrolling marquee in action—pretty boring in print, isn’t it? Figure 7.13 shows what happens when a browser does not understand MARQUEE. In this case there is no marquee, but the browser can use any surrounding emphasis elements (here B and I) to mark the marquee text in a special way. The BR after the MARQUEE helps ensure that the text is put on a line separate from any subsequent text.

Note also that, although form input elements can appear inside a MARQUEE, the resulting form will be almost impossible to use!

BEHAVIOR=“alternate,” “scroll,” “slide” (optional) Specifies how the marquee text should scroll. The value “scroll” means that the text should start from beyond one margin (left or right) and scroll completely across to the other margin, and disappear completely, while “slide” means that the text will start from beyond one margin (left or right) and will scroll onto the screen until it touches the other margin, whereupon it should cease scrolling. “Alternate” means that the text will bounce back and forth between the left- and right-hand margins of the MARQUEE. The default is BEHAVIOR=“scroll.”
BGCOLOR=“#rrggbb,”color” (optional) Specifies the background color for the marquee, either as an RGB code or by using a color name.
DIRECTION= “down,” “left,” “right,” “up” (optional) Specifies the scrolling direction for the text: “left” means that the text will scroll from right to left , while “right” means the text will scroll from left to right. Similarly, “down” means the text will scroll down, and “up” that the text will scroll upwards. The default is “left.” Note that, with “up” and “down,” an author must be sure to set an appropriate value for the HEIGHT, as the browser will default to HEIGHT=“1.”
HEIGHT=“number,” “number%” (optional) Specifies the height of the marquee. This height can be specified either in pixels or as a percentage of the display window height. You should be careful to make the MARQUEE sufficiently high that the text is clearly visible. For left- and right-scrolling text, the default will be just tall enough to contain the text in the selected font and font size.

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