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HTML 4.0 Sourcebook
(Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Author(s): Ian S. Graham
ISBN: 0471257249
Publication Date: 04/01/98

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Elements-based Table of Contents

Figure 6.3 lists all the HTML elements mentioned in this book and provides page references to the sections in Chapters 6 and 7 that describe each element—you can use this as an “element-oriented” table of contents to Chapters 6 and 7.

Figure 6.3 Index to all HTML elements described in Chapters 6 and 7. New HTML 4 elements are in italics, while proprietary extensions are underlined. Struck-through elements are deprecated—these are likely to be dropped in future versions of HTML and should be avoided in new documents.

Element Description Page Number
Chap. 6 Chap. 7
A Hypertext anchor 314 437
ABBR An abbreviation 298
ADDRESS Address information 226
APPLET Embedded applet 301
AREA Imagemap data 334
B Bold 326
BASE Base URL of the document 213
BASEFONT Base font for document 333
BDO Bidirectional override 325 451
BGSOUND Background audio/sound 368
BIG Bigger text 327
BLINK Blinking text 369
BLOCKQUOTE Block quotation 229
BODY Document body 211
BR Line break 337
BUTTON Form-content push button 242 383
CAPTION Table caption 291
CENTER Centered text 230
CITE Citation 325
CODE Typed computer code 325
COL Column properties specifier 292
COLGROUP Column group specification 294
DD Description 264
DEL Deleted markup or text 339
DFN Definition 325
DIR Directory list (obsolete) 268
DIV Block division of a document 233
DL Description/glossary list 261
DT Term 263
EM Emphasized text 326
EMBED Embed arbitrary data 370
FIELDSET Group related input elements 389
FONT Font size/face/color 327
FORM User input form 242 437
FRAME Specify frame contents 359
FRAMESET Declare framed regions 356
H1–H6 Headings (1–6) 234
HEAD Document meta-information 210
HR Horizontal divider 235
HTML An HTML document 209
I Italics 329
IFRAME Insert floating document frame 364
ILAYER Overlay presentation layer 408
IMG Inline image 305
INPUT Input fields 248
INS Inserted text or markup 340
ISINDEX Searchable document 215
KBD Keyboard input 326
KEYGEN Generate encrypted key for a FORM 387
LABEL Label for input elements 388
LEGEND Label or legend for a FIELDSET 390
LAYER Overlay presentation layer 408
LI List item 270
LINK Relationships to other resources 216
MAP Client-side imagemap 333
MARQUEE Scrolling marquee text 373
MENU Menu list (obsolete) 268
META Meta information 218
MULTICOL Multicolumn text 377
NOBR No line breaks 378
NOEMBED HTML alternative to EMBED 379
NOFRAMES Markup for nonframe browsers 362
NOLAYER HTML alternative to LAYER, ILAYER 417
NOSCRIPT HTML alternative to SCRIPT 341
OBJECT Embed data and handler 404
OL Ordered list 264
OPTGROUP Grouping of OPTION elements 390
OPTION Option in selectable field 256
P Paragraphs 238
PARAM Parameter for applet 304 407
PRE Preformatted text 239
Q Inline quotation 326
S Struck-through text 329
SAMP Sample text 326
SCRIPT Program scripts 222
SELECT Selectable fields 255
SERVER Server-side scripting 380
SMALL Smaller text 329
SPACER Horizontal or vertical space 380
SPAN Stylesheet-specified styling 329
STRIKE Struck-out text 329
STRONG Strong emphasis 326
STYLE Document stylesheet 224
SUB Subscript 332
SUP Superscript 332
TABLE Table 283
TBODY Table body grouping 296
TD Table data cell 298
TEXTAREA Text input region 257
TFOOT Table footer grouping 296
TH Table header cell 298
THEAD Table header grouping 295
TITLE Document title 225
TR Table row 297
TT Fixed-width font 332
U Underline 332
UL Unordered list 265
VAR A variable 326
WBR Optional word break 382

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