Flatten v2.02 Read.me I wrote Flatten to help when I needed to overlay my 2D design work onto 3D mapping. If you find it useful then register it with me, David Hardy, by Email to Kent@pba.co.uk. It is currently limited to 10 objects until registered - you can try it as it is, if you like it then send me £5 or $8 to David Hardy, Mill Farm, Windmill Hill, Upchurch Kent,ME8 7XA, U.K.. It's easy to use so if you have any problems then Email me as above. 18/03/97. Due to the large response to the original Flatten v2.01 upload I am pleased to announce that payment can now be accepted via Mastercard or Visa (sorry Amex is too expensive). If you Email the form below to me I will send your access code a.s.a.p.. Flatten Purchase Order: Please supply Flatten registration codes for the following AutoCAD serial numbers: 1. AutoCAD s/n. ___-________ for Dos/Windows/_____ 2. AutoCAD s/n. ___-________ for Dos/Windows/_____ 3. AutoCAD s/n. ___-________ for Dos/Windows/_____ 4. Unlimited site license for Dos/Windows/_____ Total number of codes requested _____ at $8.00 each. Total number of site licenses requested ______ at $30.00 each. Subtotal to be charged $______ 5% Credit card surcharge $______ Total amount to be charged $______ Please charge the total amount above to: MASTERCARD/VISA CARD no. ____/____/____/____ Expiry date __/__ Name on card ______________________________ Cardholders address _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Email this form to kent@pba.co.uk, marked for the attention of David Hardy. 27/03/97. Minor Bug fix and a lovely whizzy wheel thingy. 01/04/97.