For a long time, I've wanted an AutoLISP routine that specified the spacing between lines of text for the TEXT and DTEXT commands. Leonid Nemirovsky ( kindly created two routines, it.lsp and idt.lsp in response to my request. They are excellent for placing text in a schedule, a table used in both architectural and mechanical drawings. Once you have drawn the table, you can match the spacing of the text to the lines in the table. It.lsp uses the TEXT command. Idt.lsp works with the DTEXT command. Because of the way the DTEXT command works, you need to know how to use this routine. Once you start this routine and follow the prompts, you can type the first line of text. Then press Enter. At the next Enter text: prompt, DON'T type more text; instead, press Enter. Now you see the Next Line Yes\No : prompt. Type y or press Enter to add another line of text. Type n to end the routine. If you go on to more text, you can now type it. You'll soon get into a routine of pressing Enter 3 times between lines of text and they'll be spaced exactly as you want them. Ellen Finkelstein