
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

6-minute countdown (on license server disconnects), 1, 2


accessing files on networks, 1
AdLM files, installing, 1, 2, 3, 4
AdLM run tree, 1
AdLM tools
installing, 1, 2, 3
administrators. See system administrators
adskflex.exe vendor daemons, 1
Advanced Network Configuration page (Network Setup wizard), installation options, 1
Advanced Network Configuration page, installation options, ??-1, 2
advertising AutoCAD on client workstations, 1, 2
APM (Automatic Power Manager) Suspend option, 1
APM (Automatic Power Manager), Suspend option, 1
advertising on client workstations, 1, 2
on networks, 1
heartbeat signal between the license server and, 1
incompatibility with existing network installations, 1
installation options, 1
installing, 1
optimizing performance, 1
uninstalling, 1, 2
upgrading to, 1
AutoCAD run tree, 1
installation options, 1
AutoCAD Today
configuring, 1
Autodesk License Manager (AdLM), 1
files, installing, 1, 2, 3
installation options, 1, 2
installing, ??-1, 2, 3, 4, 5
protocols for communicating with, 1, 2
installing, 1, 2, 3
in Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, 1
Autodesk License Manager files, installing, 1, 2, 3
Autodesk License Manager Installation Only option, 1, 2, 3, 4
Autodesk License Manager Installation Only option (Network Setup Wizard), 1, 2
Autodesk License Manager Installation page, 1, 2
Autodesk License Manager Installation page (Network Setup wizard), 1
Autodesk License Manager run tree, 1
Autodesk License Manager tools
installing, 1, 2, 3
uninstalling, 1
Autodesk Point A (Today window), specifying access to, 1, 2
Automatic Power Manager (APM) Suspend option, 1
Automatic Power Manager (APM), Suspend option, 1


Bulletin Board (Today window), specifying a location, 1, 2, 3
bulletin board location, specifying, 1


CAD Manager control, setting Today window display options, 1
CD key, entering, 1
CD-ROM, client workstation requirements, 1
Client and Autodesk License Manager Installation option, 1, 2
Client and Autodesk License Manager Installation option (Network Setup Wizard), 1, 2
client deployment images, 1
creating, 1, 2, 3
Client Deployment Location folder, 1, 2
creating, 1
naming, 1
client deployment locations, 1, 2
creating, 1, 2
installation options, 1
naming, 1
client deployment log, creating, 1
client deployment log, entering a folder for, 1
client deployments, 1, 2
creating, 1, 2, 3
with/without user interaction, 1, 2
creating images for, 1, 2, 3
multiple, 1
types, 1
Client Installation Location folder, 1
Client Installation Location page, 1
Client Installation Location page (Network Setup wizard), 1
client installations
configuration options, 1, 2
advanced options, 1
configuring, 1, 2, 3
multiple types, 1, 2
interactive installations, 1
performing, 1
silent installations, 1, 2
types, 1
for whom recommended, 1
Client Setup Type page, 1
Client Setup Type page (Network Setup wizard), 1
client workstation log, 1
creating on client workstations, 1, 2
specifying a nwclient.log folder, 1, 2
client workstation log, creating, 1, 2
client workstations
advertising AutoCAD on, 1, 2
creating logs, 1, 2
installation folder, specifying, 1
installing AutoCAD on, 1, 2
system requirements, 1
Commercial licenses, 1
communication protocols
for networks, 1, 2
communication protocols, packet types supported, 1, 2, 3
Compact installation, components, 1
restarting, 1
Configure Today
bulletin board location, 1
Live Update notification, 1
Point A services, 1
Configure Today page, 1
Configure Today page (Network Setup wizard), 1, 2
Today window display options, 1, 2
on networks, 1
network installations, 1
advanced options, 1
multiple types, 1, 2
configuring client installations, 1, 2, 3
multiple types, 1, 2
configuring the license server, 1, 2
connections to the license server, lost, 1, 2
Custom installation, components, 1
Custom installation, creating, 1


debug log, 1
demand loading xrefs, file locking options, 1
display, video, client workstation requirements, 1
distributed server model, 1
drawing files
file locking and, 1
opening files opened by others, 1, 2
saving files opened by others, 1
drawing files, file locking and, 1
from previous releases, 1
on license server failure, 1
from previous releases, 1


EDU/Institution licenses, 1
EMR/Student licenses, 1
external reference files, file locking options, 1


file locking, 1
file locking, and file access, 1, 2
accessing on networks, 1
locked files, 1, 2
protecting from other network users, 1, 2
protecting on networks, 1, 2, 3
Readme file, 1, 2
setup.exe file, 1, 2, 3
xref files, 1
FLEXlm tools, 1
license management processes, 1
upgrading network installations with, 1
utilities, 1
Image folder, 1, 2
specifying installation folders, 1, 2
folders (directories)
client deployment log, 1
Client Installation Location folder, 1
client workstation log, 1, 2
Image folder, 1, 2
Image folder, 1, 2, 3
installation folder, 1
license manager daemon folder, 1
nwclient.log file folder, 1, 2
shared installer tree folder, 1, 2, 3
Full installation
components, 1
Full installation, additional components, 1


hard disk, client workstation requirements, 1
hardware requirements, for client workstations, 1, 2
heartbeat signal, 1
host name and ID, obtaining, 1


Image folder, 1, 2
Image folder, 1, 2, 3
installation folder (client workstations), specifying, 1
installation folder, specifying, 1
Installation Folders page, 1
Installation Folders page (Network Setup wizard), 1, 2
installation folders, specifying, 1, 2
installation types
choosing, 1
configuring multiple, 1, 2
AdLM files, 1, 2, 3, 4
AdLM tools, 1, 2, 3
AutoCAD, 1
Autodesk License Manager, 1, 2
Autodesk License Manager files, 1, 2, 3
Autodesk License Manager tools, 1, 2, 3
installing AutoCAD
on a network, 1, 2
starting, 1
installing Autodesk License Manager, 1, 2
in client deployments, 1, 2, 3
configuration options, 1, 2
in network deployments, 1, 2
without AutoCAD installation files, 1, 2
interactive installations, 1
Interactive mode (for client installations), 1
Interactive mode, for client component installations, 1
IPX protocol, 1


License Configuration Switcher, 1, 2
installing the components of, 1, 2
switching from network to stand-alone licenses, 1
switching from stand-alone to network licenses, 1
license file, 1
obtaining, 1
setting up, 1
license management, 1, 2
license management software, 1
FLEXlm processes, 1
incompatibility of AutoCAD 2002 with existing network installations, 1
license manager daemon (lmgrd.exe), 1
running, 1
specifying a folder for, 1
starting on startup, 1
License Manager Installation page, 1
license server, 1, 2
configuring, 1, 2
heartbeat signal between AutoCAD and, 1
lost connections, 1, 2
saving configurations, 1
starting, 1, 2
usage reports, 1
license servers
failure of, 1
specifying, 1
assignment of, 1
availability, 1
behaviors, 1
management of, 1, 2
network licenses, 1
operation, 1
switching from network to stand-alone licenses, 1
switching from stand-alone to network licenses, 1
types (usage types), 1
Live Update notifications, specifying, 1, 2
lmtools.exe, 1
obtaining host name and ID with, 1
lmutil.exe, 1
Local Patch List notifications, specifying, 1, 2
locked files, 1
from previous releases, 1, 2
locked files (from previous releases), 1
locked files from previous releases, opening, 1
log files
client deployment log, 1
client workstation log, 1, 2
network setup log file, 1
lost license server connections, responding to, 1, 2


memory (RAM), client workstation requirements, 1
menu files
section labels, 1
multiple servers, installing AutoCAD on, 1


Network and Autodesk License Manager Installation option, 1, 2
Network and Autodesk License Manager Installation option (Network Setup Wizard), 1, 2
network communication protocols, 1, 2
network deployment environment, 1, 2
network deployments, 1, 2
creating, 1, 2
Network Installation Selection page (Network Setup wizard), 1
network installations, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
assigning access to Point A services, 1
components, 1
concepts, 1
configuration options, 1
configuring, 1
advanced options, ??-1, 2
multiple types, 1, 2
two types, 1, 2
configuring Today, 1
deployment options, 1
incompatibility of AutoCAD 2002 with existing installations, 1
notifying users of Live Update availability, 1
preparing (planning) for, 1
server models, 1, 2
setup and management tools, 1, 2
specifying bulletin board location for Today, 1
system requirements, 1, 2
types, 1
upgrading, 1
user instructions, 1
network interface cards
client workstation requirements, 1
server requirements, 1
Network License Manager Installation page, 1
network licenses, 1
switching from stand-alone licenses to, 1
switching to stand-alone licenses from, 1
network protocols, 1, 2
network server models, 1, 2
network servers
models, 1, 2
multiple, 1
specifying, 1
system requirements, 1
network setup log file (nwclient.log file), 1
creating, 1
Network Setup wizard, 1, 2, 3, 4
installation options, 1, 2, 3
location, 1
running, ??-1, 2, 3, 4
accessing files on, 1
communication protocols, 1, 2
installing AutoCAD on, 1, 2, 3
protecting files on, 1, 2, 3
Novell servers, installing the Autodesk License Manager on, 1
nwclient.log file, 1
nwclient.log file (network setup log file), 1
specifying a folder for, 1, 2


opening drawing files opened by others, 1, 2
opening drawings
from previous releases, 1
operating systems
client workstation requirements, 1
redundant server model requirements, 1
server requirements, 1
optimizing performance, 1


packet types supported, 1, 2, 3
performance, optimizing, 1
Permanent licenses, 1
Personal Information page, 1
Personal Information page (Network Setup wizard), 1
personal information, entering, 1
pointing devices, client workstation requirements, 1
previous releases (of AutoCAD)
locked files from, 1
opening drawings from, 1
saving drawings from, 1
previous releases of AutoCAD
locked files from, 1, 2
opening drawings from, 1
saving drawings from, 1
processors, client workstation requirements, 1
prompts, as indicated in this guide, 1
protecting files from other network users, 1, 2
protecting files on networks, 1, 2, 3
protocols, packet types supported, 1, 2, 3


RAM, client workstation requirements, 1
Readme file, viewing, 1, 2
redundant server model, 1
restarting your computer, 1


SAMreport, 1
saving drawing files opened by others, 1
saving drawings
on license server failure, 1
from previous releases, 1
search paths
Universal Naming Convention, 1
Serial Number page, 1
Serial Number page (Network Setup wizard), 1
serial number, entering, 1
Server Configuration page (Network Setup wizard), 1
server models, network, 1, 2
installing AutoCAD on, 1, 2, 3
multiple, 1
Novell servers, 1
Setup Complete page (Network Setup wizard), 1
Setup Confirmation page, 1
Setup Confirmation page (Network Setup wizard), 1
Setup program (setup.exe file), 1, 2, 3
specifying the location of, 1
setup.exe file, 1, 2, 3
share names, 1
Shared Installer DATA Tree Location box, 1
shared installer tree, 1, 2
configuring multiple installation types, 1, 2, 3, 4
configuring two installation types, 1, 2
specifying a folder for, 1, 2, 3
specifying a location for, 1
silent installations, 1
choosing, 1
Silent mode (for client installations), 1, 2, 3, 4
Silent mode, for client component installations, 1, 2
single server model, 1
single-user installations, 1
without AdLM files, 1
single-user installations, without the License Manager, 1
stand-alone licenses
switching from network licenses to, 1
switching to network licenses from, 1
AutoCAD installation, 1
the license manager daemon on startup, 1
the license server, 1, 2
support files
file locking and, 1
support files, file locking and, 1
Suspend option (Automatic Power Manager (APM)), 1
Suspend option (Automatic Power Manager), 1


TCP packet type, 1, 2
TCP/IP protocol, 1
Term Extendable licenses, 1
Term Non-Extendable licenses, 1
Today Manager, 1
Today window display options, setting, 1, 2
Typical installation, components, 1


UDP packet type, 1, 2
UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path name format, 1
UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path names, 1
AutoCAD, 1, 2
Autodesk License Manager
in Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, 1
Autodesk License Manager tools, 1
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path name format, 1
as not supported, 1
as required, 1
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path names, 1


vendor daemons, 1
video display, client workstation requirements, 1
the Readme file, 1


Web browsers, client workstation requirements, 1
WHIP! Browser Accessory, 1
Windows (Microsoft)
network-compliant file locking, 1
Windows (Microsoft), system requirements, 1
Windows 2000, uninstalling the Autodesk License Manager in, 1
Windows 98
uninstalling AutoCAD on, 1
Windows NT
uninstalling AutoCAD on, 1
uninstalling the AdLM, 1
Windows NT 4.0, uninstalling the Autodesk License Manager in, 1


xref files, demand load file-locking options, 1
xref files, file locking options, 1
xrefs (external references), file locking/demand loading options, 1

Copyright © 2001 Autodesk Inc.
Autodesk, Inc.