
This section includes information for maintaining an AutoCAD® installation on a network.

Topics in this section:

License Server Failure

If a license server fails, current sessions of AutoCAD 2002 continue to run for a period of time, but new sessions cannot be started until the server is restored.

If AutoCAD 2002 cannot continue because a license server is unavailable, the user is given the opportunity to save the drawing. A six-minute countdown period starts once the user acknowledges the loss of connection to the license server. During this time period, the user has full use of AutoCAD 2002. The user is given the opportunity to save the drawing again when four minutes are left in the countdown and then again when two minutes are left. At the end of six minutes, if the drawing has not been saved, the user is given one last opportunity to do so. Once the six-minute time period expires, all AutoCAD features are disabled. The user will only be able save their work.

WARNING! If a drawing was opened from a network drive and the network drive is no longer available, AutoCAD 2002 cannot save the drawing at the end of the six-minute countdown.

To manually start the license server

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the Program Files\Autodesk License Manager folder (or the netsetup\support\AdLM folder on the AutoCAD 2002 CD) and double-click lmtools.exe.
  2. On the Service/License File tab, choose the Configure using Services option.
  3. Select the service name for the license server you want to manually start.
  4. Choose the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
  5. Choose Start Server to start the license server.

  See Also

Use the FLEXlm Configuration Tools

FLEXlm provides two utilities, lmtools.exe and lmutil.exe, for managing the license server. These tools are located in the Program Files\Autodesk License Manager\tools folder.

Lmtools.exe provides a Windows graphical interface for managing the license server. Lmutil.exe provides a set of command line options for managing the license server.

You can use lmtools.exe and lmutil.exe to perform the following server management tasks:

For specific information about using FLEXlm configuration tools, see the FLEXlm documentation in the Program Files\Autodesk License Manager\docs\FlexUser folder.

The Options File

Another useful component of FLEXlm is the Options file. This file is created by the network administrator to set configuration options specific to the operating environment.

You can use the Options file to set parameters for the following server-related features:

For specific information about creating an Options file, see the FLEXlm documentation in the Program Files\Autodesk License Manager\docs\FlexUser folder.

Use the License Configuration Switcher

With the License Configuration Switcher, you can "switch" the AutoCAD configuration to use a stand-alone license from a network license, and then back again. You must have a valid stand-alone license to use the License Configuration Switcher.

In addition, the License Configuration Switcher must first be installed as part of a client deployment image. See Set Up an Advanced Network Configuration. For additional information about using the Stand-Alone License Manager, see "Use the Stand-Alone License Manager" in the online Configuration Guide.

To switch from a network to a stand-alone license

  1. Close AutoCAD, if it is currently open.
  2. In Windows Explorer, go to your AutoCAD Support folder and double-click AutoCAD 2002 License Manager Settings.
  3. Select Standalone License Manager.
  4. Enter a valid stand-alone license serial number.
  5. Choose OK.

You can now run AutoCAD without being connected to the network.

To switch from a stand-alone license to a network license

  1. Close AutoCAD, if it is currently open.
  2. Reconnect the computer to the network and verify that network resources are available.
  3. In Windows Explorer, go to your AutoCAD Support folder and double-click AutoCAD 2002 License Manager Settings.
  4. Select Network License Manager.
  5. Choose OK.

You can now run AutoCAD, obtaining a license from the network.

Advertise in AutoCAD 2002

A network administrator can set up an installed version of AutoCAD 2002 in a central location and then make the program accessible to users on their own workstations. The administrator can add shortcuts for accessing AutoCAD on a workstation. An icon is added to each desktop, and the program name is added to the Start menu (Windows) and the Add/Remove Programs list. The process of providing access to a centralized program on workstations is called "advertising."

Advertising is supported on systems with Windows 2000, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (Service Pack 1) and Windows Desktop Update (Active Desktop).

To advertise AutoCAD 2002 on Windows 2000

  1. In the Network Setup wizard, do one of the following:
  2. From the Start menu (Windows), choose Programs Accessories Command Prompt.
  3. At the MS DOS command prompt, enter one of the following:
    • For a single-user deployment:
    msiexec /j "\\<server>\<directory>\image\acad.msi" (where <server> and <directory> refer to the network location where the image was created)
    • For a multiple-user deployment:
    msiexec /jm "\\<server>\<directory>\image\acad.msi" (where <server> and <directory> refer to the network location where the image was created)

AutoCAD is now advertised. To install AutoCAD on a workstation, the user does one of the following:

Each access method starts the installation, and the pre-configured version of AutoCAD 2002 is installed on the workstation.

To advertise AutoCAD 2002 on Windows 98 or NT 4.0

  1. In the Network Setup wizard, do one of the following:
  2. If no Microsoft® Windows® installer package (MSI) applications have been previously installed on your system, you must install the MSI engine by doing one of the following:
    • For Windows 98. In the MSI folder on the AutoCAD 2002 CD, double-click the instmsi.exe icon. The msiexec.exe file is installed in the Windows\System folder.
    • For Windows NT. In the MSI folder on the AutoCAD 2002 CD, double-click the instmsiw.exe icon. The instmsiw.exe file is installed in the WINNT\System32 folder.
  3. Access the MS DOS command prompt in one of the following ways:
    • For Windows 98. From the Start menu, choose Programs MS-DOS Prompt.
    • For Windows NT 4.0. From the Start menu, choose Programs Command Prompt.
  4. At the MS DOS command prompt, enter one of the following:
    • For a single-user deployment on Windows 98:
    c:\windows\system\msiexec /j "\\<server>\<directory>\image\acad.msi" (where <server> and <directory> refer to the network location where the image was created)
    • For a single-user deployment on Windows NT 4.0:
    c:\winnt\system32\msiexec /j "\\<server>\<directory>\image\acad.msi" (where <server> and <directory> refer to the network location where the image was created)
    • For a multiple-user deployment on Windows 98:
    c:\windows\system\msiexec /jm "\\<server>\<directory>\image\acad.msi" (where <server> and <directory> refer to the network location where the image was created)
    • For a multiple-user deployment on Windows NT 4.0:
    c:\winnt\system32\msiexec /jm "\\<server>\<directory>\image\acad.msi" (where <server> and <directory> refer to the network location where the image was created)

NOTE If your Windows\System folder (Windows 98) or WINNT\System32 folder (Windows NT 4.0) are not on drive C (as indicated in the paths above), at the MS DOS command prompt, you need to replace drive C with the correct drive.

AutoCAD is now advertised. To install AutoCAD on a workstation, the user does one of the following:

Each access method launches Setup, and the pre-configured version of AutoCAD 2002 is installed on the workstation.

Use Configure Today

With the Configure Today page of the Network Setup wizard, you can control the information displayed on the Today page for users at your site. With Configure Today, you can do the following:

With CAD Manager Control, you can specify for users the other services that are listed under CAD Manager Control settings. If users' Today Bulletin Board locations point to the file specified in Configure Today, they will see changes to the CAD Manager Control settings when they accept the update.

NOTE Administrators can also change the CAD Manager Control settings at a later time in the Today Manager program (actodaymgr.exe), available on the AutoCAD 2002 CD.

To use Configure Today

  1. In the Network Setup wizard, on the Configure Today page, in the Bulletin Board Location box, do one of the following:
    • Enter a path to the Bulletin Board location that you will share with your users. For example:
    \\servername\shared folder\filename.htm
    • Browse for the Bulletin Board location. The filename must have an .htm extension.
  2. If you want to apply CAD Manager control settings at your site, make sure the Apply CAD Manager Control to Today option is selected.
  1. If you selected Apply CAD Manager Control to Today in the previous step, the Allow Access to Autodesk Point A Services option is available. Select this option if you want users to have access to Point A services.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • Provide No Live Update Notification. Specifies that users are not notified of a Live Update. If Allow Access to Autodesk Point A Services is cleared, this becomes the default selection.
    • Provide Live Update Notification from Autodesk Point A. Allows users to get instant notification of Autodesk Point A services. This is the default selection.
    • Provide Notification of Local Patch List. Specifies that users are notified of local patch list availability. If you have chosen to deploy a local patch list, update notification will appear as part of the Bulletin Board text after the user clicks the Accept button.
  3. If you selected Provide Notification of Local Patch List in the previous step, by doing one of the following you can specify the name of the patch list location that users can access:
    • Choose Browse to enter a local patch location. The file must have a .txt file extension.
    • Enter a location in Local Patch List Location, in the following format:
    \\servername\shared folder\filename.txt
  4. Choose OK.

Protect Files on the Network

AutoCAD uses a method of file locking to prevent users from accessing the same file at the same time. File locking performs differently depending on whether the file is a drawing file, an AutoCAD support file, or an externally referenced (xref) file.

WARNING! If you are accessing a file on a network, close any open AutoCAD files before using the Automatic Power Manager (APM) Suspend option. The Suspend option causes the network connection to drop and AutoCAD file locking to be lost. This may result in lost data.

File Locking and Drawing Files

When a user has a drawing file open for editing, other users can open the drawing as read-only. No other users can edit the file.

File Locking and Support Files

When a user has a support file open for editing, AutoCAD cannot access the file and returns the message

File Locking and Externally Referenced Files

Use the Options dialog box to control whether another user can edit an xref file while a drawing that references the file is open.

For more information about using xrefs, see Using Blocks and External References in the User's Guide.

To set a file locking option on xref files

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options, and then choose the Open and Save tab.
  2. Under Demand Load Xrefs, in the External References (Xrefs) box, select an option from the list:
    • Disabled. Turns off demand loading in the current drawing. Another user can open and edit an xref file except during the brief time that the file is being read into the current drawing.
    • Enabled. Turns on demand loading in the current drawing. No other users can edit an xref file while the current drawing is open. Other users can, however, reference the xref file.
    • Enabled with copy. Turns on demand loading in the current drawing, but an xref file can still be opened and edited by another user. AutoCAD uses a copy of the xref file and treats it as a completely separate file from the original xref.
  3. Choose OK.

AutoCAD 2002 and Locked Files from Previous Releases

If you work in an environment where some users are working with earlier versions of AutoCAD or other Autodesk applications that support the lock-file mechanism, you might see messages indicating that AutoCAD is unable to open or save a drawing. The following sections explain these messages and suggest ways to solve mixed-environment problems.

WARNING! The following information assumes that file locking is turned on in the earlier versions of AutoCAD. If file locking is not turned on and two users have the same drawing open at the same time, the user who saves the drawing last overwrites the other user's changes.

Open Drawings

If you attempt to open a drawing in AutoCAD Release 13 while the drawing is already open in AutoCAD 2002, you are notified that the file can't be opened, and then the file opens in Read-only mode. AutoCAD Release 13 opens the drawing.

If you attempt to open a file in AutoCAD 2002 when the file is already open in an earlier release of AutoCAD, and file locking is turned on in the earlier release, you are denied access to the drawing.

Save Drawings

If you are working in an earlier version of AutoCAD, and attempt to save a drawing that is also open in AutoCAD 2002, AutoCAD saves the drawing to a temporary file. In Release 13, the file is assigned a temporary name ending with the file name extension .ac$. In Release 12, the file is assigned a temporary name ending with the file name extension .sv$. In AutoCAD 2002, you can open, edit, and save the temporary file by renaming it with the .dwg extension.

While AutoCAD 2002 is saving a drawing, there is a very short time period during which an earlier version of AutoCAD can open the drawing. If this happens, AutoCAD 2002 switches to Read-only mode to prevent overwriting of another user's work. Use Save As to rename the AutoCAD 2002 drawing.

WARNING! You might experience data loss if you use AutoCAD 2002 with earlier versions of AutoCAD on a network that doesn't support Microsoft Windows file locking. Verify that the network provides Microsoft network- compliant file locking.

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