
This section includes information for installing and configuring AutoCAD® and the Autodesk License Manager on a network.

Topics in this section:

Upgrade to AutoCAD 2002 on a Network

To upgrade an existing network installation, you must first uninstall the existing version of AutoCAD, then install AutoCAD 2002, including network components and all client workstations, following the procedures in Network Setup. To manage network licenses, AutoCAD 2002 uses FLEXlm technology, which differs from the Elan technology used in previous AutoCAD releases. As a result, license management software for AutoCAD 2002 is not compatible with AutoCAD 2000 and 2000i network installations.

WARNING! If you chose to upgrade your network installation to AutoCAD 2002 with FLEXlm, you must also upgrade each client workstation. AutoCAD 2002 is not compatible with existing AutoCAD 2000 or 2000i clients.

You can install the license manager (AdLM) for AutoCAD 2002 on the same server as the license manager for AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, or Release 14, but you must install AutoCAD run trees for network-based deployments on different servers. Existing clients must match the network version of the product for proper operation.

  See Also

Network Setup

This section provides the information that you need to install AutoCAD on a network.

Plan for a Network Installation

Installing AutoCAD on a network requires careful planning. The type of AutoCAD installation you choose to deploy can differ depending on your network infrastructure and requirements for client use.

To plan for a network installation

  1. Make sure that your network, servers, and workstations meet the system requirements. See System Requirements.
  2. Choose a network installation configuration that works best for your users. See Network Installation Configuration.
  3. Create a network share to hold the client deployment image files. Be sure to provide read/write access to all users who will install AutoCAD from this share.
  4. Create an .htm file for use as a Bulletin Board file in the Today window. See Use Configure Today or the "Customize the Today Bulletin Board Template" section of the online Customization Guide for additional information.
  5. Run the Network Setup Wizard to install the network deployment files, the Autodesk License Manager and FLEXlm. See The Network Setup Wizard.
  6. Contact Autodesk to receive a license file. See Obtain and Set Up a License File.
  7. Configure the license server. See Configure the Server.
  8. Inform the users that the network deployment is complete and provide them with instructions. See Client Installation.

The Network Setup Wizard

With the Network Setup wizard, you install the Autodesk License Manager, and you create a deployment location from which users can either install AutoCAD on their computers or configure their computers to run AutoCAD from a server. You can run the Network Setup wizard as necessary to create varied client deployment images to meet user requirements and company needs. See Use a Shared Installer Tree. The Network Setup wizard is located in the netsetup folder on the AutoCAD 2002 CD.

To run the Network Setup wizard

  1. Insert the AutoCAD 2002 CD into the CD-ROM drive and hold down the SHIFT key to prevent Autorun from starting the stand-alone installation procedure.
  2. From the Start menu, choose Run, enter the CD-ROM drive, the path name, and netsetup. For example, enter d:\netsetup\setup.
  3. On the Network Installation Selection page, choose the install type. Select one of the following installation options, and then choose Next:
    • Client and Autodesk License Manager Installation. Creates a setup.exe file and a deployment folder in a location on the network that you specify. Users run setup.exe to install AutoCAD on their client workstations. The deployment folder named Image contains the files that are installed on the client workstation. You can also install the Autodesk License Manager by selecting this option.
    • Network and Autodesk License Manager Installation. Installs the AutoCAD files on a network server. The Network Setup wizard creates a setup.exe file in a location on the network that you specify. This file configures client workstations to run AutoCAD from the server. You can also install the Autodesk License Manager.
    • Autodesk License Manager Installation Only. Installs only the files for the Autodesk License Manager. You can do a complete installation of AutoCAD at another time. The Autodesk License Manager must be installed to run a network version of AutoCAD.
  4. Refer to the appropriate section of this guide to complete your specified installation.

Create a Deployment Image

If you select Client and Autodesk License Manager Installation or Network and Autodesk License Manager Installation on the Network Installation Selection page, the Network Setup wizard creates a deployment folder below the share on the server (if it doesn't already exist). This folder contains the client deployment image file (setup.exe) that installs AutoCAD on the client workstations and also contains the files that setup.exe installs. With this deployment, a user can install AutoCAD on the client workstation.

If you plan to have more than one type of installation (for example, Typical and Compact) on your network, you must provide a separate client deployment location for each type of installation. See Set Up an Advanced Network Configuration.

To create a deployment image folder

  1. In the Network Setup wizard, on the Network Installation Selection page, select Client and Autodesk License Manager Installation. Choose Next.
  2. On the Autodesk License Manager Installation page under Installation Options, select the type of installation you want for the AdLM from the following options. Choose Next.
    • Install Autodesk License Manager Files Now. Performs the complete AdLM files installation on the server.
    • Install Autodesk License Manager Files Later. Bypasses the AdLM files installation.
    • Install Autodesk License Manager Tools Only. Installs only the AdLM tools for monitoring the licenses.
    • Configure for Single User Without License Manager. Deploys a standalone version of AutoCAD that does not require AdLM and must be individually authorized.
  1. If you choose to install the AdLM files or tools, enter the name of the folder that you want to use for the AdLM files in the Location of the AutoDesk License Manager Tools box.
  1. On the Installation Folders page, in the Client Deployment Location box, enter the path where you want setup.exe and the Image folder installed. The path must reside on a shared network resource. If you are creating a network-based deployment, you must enter a network deployment location and a shared location for the AutoCAD runtree.
  1. On the Installation Folders page, select Client Installations Will Be Run in Silent Mode to install AutoCAD on client workstations without user interaction. Do not select this option if you want the installations to be interactive.
  1. Choose Advanced on the Installation Folders page to enter a folder for the client workstation log, to create a shared installer tree, or to install the License Configuration Switcher components (locked version only). See Set Up an Advanced Network Configuration.
  2. Choose OK.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. On the Server Configuration page, enter the Server Host Name and Host ID for the license server.
  1. On the Client Installation Location page, in the Client Installation Path box, enter the path on the client workstation where you want to install AutoCAD. Choose Next.
  1. On the Client Setup Type page, select the type of installation that you want: Typical, Compact, Custom, or Full. Choose Next.
  1. On the Serial Number page, enter the serial number and CD key, which are located on the AutoCAD 2002 product packaging. The serial number must contain a three-digit prefix followed by an eight-digit number. The CD key is six characters. Choose Next.
  2. On the Personal Information page, enter your first name, last name, organization name, dealer name, and dealer telephone number. (The information you enter will be the same for all clients.) Choose Next.
  3. On the Configure Today page, complete the information as needed, and choose Next. For more information about using the Configure Today page, see Advertise in AutoCAD 2002.
  1. The Setup Confirmation page prompts you to verify your installation selections. Choose Next to start the deployment creation.
  2. On the Setup Complete page, choose Readme to view the Readme file now. Choose Finish to complete the installation.
  3. When the client installation is complete, inform the users on your network where the setup.exe file for installing AutoCAD on a client workstation is located. See Client Installation.
  4. To set up the Autodesk License Manager and to issue AutoCAD licenses, see Configure the Server.
Set Up an Advanced Network Configuration

Use the Advanced Network Configuration page of the Network Setup wizard to select an AdLM network server, set up logs, or set up a data tree for multiple client deployments. You can select from the following options:

You can choose one or all of the options on the Advanced Network Configuration page.

Use the Network Setup Log File

The network setup log file, nwclient.log, keeps a record of all client installations. Refer to this file for status information and information about problems users may have encountered during installation (for example, low disk space or inadequate permissions). To create a more detailed log for each client workstation, see Create a Client Workstation Log.

By default, nwclient.log is stored in the Image subfolder of the deployment folder. Use the Advanced Network Configuration page of the Network Setup wizard to change the location of nwclient.log.

To use a network setup log file

  1. Run the Network Setup wizard to create a deployment folder.
  2. On the Installation Folders page, choose Advanced.
  3. On the Advanced Network Configuration page, do one of the following:
    • In the Share Where NWCLIENT.LOG Status File Will Be Written box, enter the UNC for the location where you want the log written.
    Provide read/write access for the location from all client locations.
    • Choose Browse to search for and select the path. Choose OK.

NOTE You must share the nwclient.log file folder and provide users with write access to create a log file.

Create a Client Workstation Log

The Client Workstation Log contains detailed installation information for each client. This information may be useful in diagnosing installation problems.

On the Advanced Network Configuration page of the Network Setup wizard, select Create Client Workstation Log to create a acaddeploy.log file in the Windows (or Winnt) folder on each client workstation.

To use a client workstation log

  1. Run the Network Setup wizard to create a deployment image. See Create a Deployment Image.
  2. On the Installation Folders page, choose Advanced.
  3. On the Advanced Network Configuration page, select Create Client Work-station Log.
  4. Choose OK.

Use a Shared Installer Tree

With the shared installer tree, you can implement different types of installations on the same server and use some of the same deployment folder files contained in the Image folder. For example, you can configure a Typical installation and a Full installation on one server. You must run the Network Setup wizard twice to configure two types of installations.

To configure two types of installations using the shared installer tree

  1. Run the Network Setup wizard to create a deployment folder. See Create a Deployment Image.
  2. Make a note of the deployment location that you use.
  1. Run the Network Setup wizard again to select a different option that creates a different type of installation.
  2. On the Installation Folders page, in the Client Deployment Location box, enter the UNC name for the folder where you want setup.exe and the Image folder for the current installation type installed.
  1. Choose Advanced.
  2. Select Use Shared Installer Tree.
  3. In the Shared Installer DATA Tree Location box, enter the UNC name for the shared deployment location that you created the first time you ran the Network Setup wizard. You can choose Browse to search for and select the folder.
  1. Choose OK.

Install Autodesk License Manager Only

By selecting this installation option in the Network Setup wizard, you install only the AdLM files, its tools, or both.

To install the AdLM, its tools, or both

  1. In the Network Setup wizard, on the Network Installation Selection page, choose Autodesk License Manager Installation Only. Choose Next.
  2. On the License Manager Installation page, choose one of the following:
    • Install License Manager Files Only. Includes the license manager and vendor daemons only.
    • Install License Manager Tools Only. Includes FLEXlm tools, but no license management files.
    • Install Both License Manager Files and Tools. Includes the license manager and vendor daemons, and FLEXlm management tools.
  3. In the Location of the AutoCAD License Manager Tools box, enter the folder you want to use for the AdLM files, tools, or both.
  1. The Setup Confirmation page prompts you to verify your installation choices. Choose Next to start the installation or choose Back to adjust any of your selections.
  1. If you want to view the Readme file, choose Finish. Otherwise, clear the check box, and then choose Finish.

Configure the License Server

This section provides information for configuring the FLEXlm license server in the Network Setup wizard and for modifying an existing license server configuration.

There are three steps for configuring the license server:

  1. Obtain the server host name and ID
  2. Obtain and set up a license file
  3. Configure the server

NOTE Configuring the license server requires a thorough understanding of the network configuration model you plan to deploy. See Network Configuration Models for additional information.

Obtain the Server Host Name and ID

To obtain the host name and ID, you must run the lmtools.exe utility found on the AutoCAD 2002 CD. You enter this information on the Server Configuration page in the Network Setup wizard.

To obtain the host name and ID

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the \netsetup\support\AdLM folder on the AutoCAD 2002 CD and double-click lmtools.exe.
  2. Choose the Systems Settings tab.
  3. Locate the Computer/Hostname field. Write down the Server Host Name.
  4. Locate the Ethernet Address field. Write down the Host ID.
  1. Exit lmtools.exe.
  2. In the Network Setup wizard, enter this information on the Server Configuration page.
  3. Choose Next to continue.

Obtain and Set Up a License File

The license file identifies important licensing information, including license type and behavior, and the number of seats available for use.

To obtain a license file

  1. Obtain the following information:
    • Product serial number(s)
    • Server name
    • Host ID number
    • An email address where Autodesk can send the license file
  2. Contact the Autodesk Registration and Authorization office and provide all required information specified in the previous step. Please refer to the "Read This First" card for information about contacting the Autodesk Registration and Authorization office.

To set up a license file

  1. Copy the contents of the license file (from the email) to a text editor.
  2. Save the file to the \Autodesk License Manager\license folder. You can name the license file anything you like; the name must have a .lic or .dat extension.

Configure the Server

You configure the license server with the lmtools.exe utility.

To configure the license server

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the Autodesk License Manager folder (or the netsetup\support\AdLM folder on the AutoCAD 2002 CD) and double-click lmtools.exe.
  2. On the Service/License File tab, choose the Configure Using Services option.
  3. Choose the Configure Services tab.
  4. In the Service Name drop-down list, verify that the service you want to use to manage AutoCAD 2002 licenses is selected.
  1. Enter the path to the license manager daemon (lmgrd.exe). This daemon is installed in the \Program Files\Autodesk License Manager folder.
  1. Enter the path to the license file. See Obtain and Set Up a License File.
  2. Specify a path and file name for your debug log file.
  3. To run lmgrd.exe as a Windows NT or Windows 2000 service, select Use Services.
  1. Choose Save Service to save the new configuration under the service name created in step 4.
  2. Choose the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
  3. Choose Start Server to start the license server. The license server is running and ready to respond to client requests.

Client Installation

Depending on the selection you made on the Network Installation Selection page of the Network Setup wizard, you can install AutoCAD on their workstations or set up their workstations to run AutoCAD from the network server.

To set up AutoCAD

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to the folder on the deployment server containing the setup.exe file for installing AutoCAD.
  2. Double-click setup.exe.
  1. When the installation is complete, restart your workstation.

Uninstall AutoCAD Files on a Network

When you uninstall AutoCAD, all components are removed in the process. This means that even if you've previously added or removed components, or if you've reinstalled or repaired AutoCAD, the uninstall procedure removes all files, making the uninstallation easy.

To uninstall the License Manager tools

  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs Autodesk License Manager Uninstall.
  2. In the Confirmation dialog box, choose Yes.
  3. Restart your computer.

To uninstall the License Manager in Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000

  1. Make sure no one is running a network copy of AutoCAD.
  2. Run lmtools.exe.
  3. On the Service/License File tab, choose Configure Using Services. Select the service that manages AutoCAD 2002 licenses.
  4. Choose the Stop/Reread tab.
  5. Choose Shutdown Server. Close lmtools.exe.
  6. From the Start menu, choose Settings Control Panel.
  7. In the Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Programs.
  8. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select ADLM and choose Add/Remove or Change for Windows 2000.
  9. Restart the computer.

To uninstall AutoCAD 2002

  1. From the Start menu (Windows), choose Settings Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Programs.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For Windows 98 and NT. In the Add/Remove Program Properties dialog box, on the Install/Uninstall tab, select AutoCAD 2002. Choose Add/Remove.
    • For Windows 2000. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select AutoCAD 2002, and choose Change.
  4. In the Add/Remove Application dialog box, select Remove AutoCAD 2002, and then choose Next.
  5. In the AutoCAD 2002 Uninstall dialog box, choose Next to start the process of removing AutoCAD 2002.
  6. On the AutoCAD 2002 Setup page, after the program is uninstalled, choose Finish.
  7. If prompted, restart your computer.

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Autodesk, Inc.