Network Planning Concepts

This section explains concepts related to installing and operating AutoCAD® on a network. This information is intended for network administrators.

Topics in this section:

Network Configuration Models

Installing AutoCAD on a network requires careful planning. The type of AutoCAD installation you choose to deploy can differ depending on your network infrastructure and requirements for client use. The network configuration model you choose to implement determines where the components that AutoCAD requires for a network installation are installed in your network environment.


Before you choose the appropriate network configuration for your users, you must determine how you will deploy AutoCAD. There are two primary types of deployments: client-based (also referred to as a "thick" client) and network-based (also referred to as a "thin" client). See Network Installation Configuration for additional information.

Each deployment type requires two or more of the following components depending on the server model you choose to implement:

While the type of deployment determines which of these three components are required, the network server model you choose for your installation determines where each component resides on the network. The server model you choose is based on the structure of your network, the number of users, and your performance requirements. It can determine how well AutoCAD performs in your network environment and the length of recovery time in the event of a network problem.

You can store each of the three network components on the same server or on separate servers. You can use a shared installer data tree to implement different types of installations on the same server. See Use a Shared Installer Tree.

Another important aspect of a deployment to consider is data sharing. One of the key benefits of a deployment is that users can share common data. When you plan a deployment, consider the requirements for sharing data and the network resources (such as shared folders) when choosing your deployment type and server model.

AutoCAD supports the following network server models:

Single Server Model

With the single server model, license management takes place on a single server. A single license file represents the total number of licenses available on the server. Because all license management takes place on a single server, this configuration requires the least amount of maintenance.

To create a deployment using the single server model, run the Network Setup wizard on the server you want to configure.

  See Also
Network Installation Configuration
Deployment Types
License Operation and Availability
The Network Setup Wizard

Distributed Server Model

With the distributed server model, you place (distribute) the AdLM across more than one server. To create a distributed server pool, you must run the Network Setup wizard on each server that is part of the distributed server network. At a minimum, you must install the ADLM on each server.

Once the network installation is complete, the next step is to install AutoCAD on each workstation. See Client Installation for additional information. The client installation creates a licpath.lic file on the client workstation that identifies which license server the client communicates with to obtain a network license.

The client workstation tries to obtain a network license only from the server that was configured when the Network Setup wizard created the deployment location from which the client was installed.

You can modify the licpath.lic file on the client workstation to access a different server, or automate the process by setting an environment variable on the client workstation to automatically obtain licenses from other servers in the distributed server pool. See the FLEXlm User's Guide (in the Autodesk License Manager\docs folder or on the AutoCAD 2002 CD) for additional information about setting environment variables.

Modifying the licpath.lic file or setting an environment variable is necessary if you want to have license carryover. For example, if you use the default licpath.lic file created during a client installation and the license file on a server has 10 valid licenses, and if all licenses are in use, the eleventh client workstation that tries to obtain a license will be denied, even if another server in the distributed server pool has available licenses. The client tries to obtain a license only from the server defined in the licpath.lic file. If you choose not to modify the licpath.lic file or not to set an environment variable, the AdLM cannot access the available licenses on other servers in the distributed server pool.

This model requires a unique license file for each server.

  See Also
Network Installation Configuration
Deployment Types
License Operation and Availability
The Network Setup Wizard
The Options File

Redundant Server Model

With the redundant server model, you can use three servers to authenticate a single license file. One server acts as the master, while the other two provide backup if the primary server fails. Using this configuration, the system continues to monitor and issue licenses as long as at least two servers are functional.

If you use the redundant server model, all servers must reside on the same subnet and have consistent network communications. (Slow, erratic, or dial-up connections are not recommended.) This model does not support the UDP packet type.

To create a redundant server pool, run the Network Setup wizard on the initial server you want to configure, then repeat the ADLM run tree installation for the other two servers. To get proper license authorization, you must obtain the Host ID and server name for each server in the redundant server pool before contacting Autodesk. See Obtain and Set Up a License File for additional information.

Once all client workstations are installed and communicating with the license server, you must modify the licpath.lic file on each client workstation to include server information for each of the three servers. Following is an example of the contents of the licpath.lic file:

SERVER PC54321 210987654321

Following is an example of a licpath.lic file modified for a redundant server operation:

SERVER PC54321 210987654321 27005
SERVER PC12345 123456789012 27005
SERVER PC32154 321543210981 27005

The redundant server model requires a port number (the default is 27005) for each server.

NOTE The port number at the end of each SERVER line must also be included in the license file for the redundant server model only.

The redundant server model requires Windows NT 4.0 Server Edition or Windows 2000 Server Edition. Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows NT/2000 Workstation editions are not supported.

The redundant server model also requires that separate copies of the same license file, the license manager daemon (lmgrd), and the vendor daemon reside on each server; all are necessary to authenticate and release licenses.

  See Also
Network Installation Configuration
Deployment Types
License Operation and Availability

Network Installation Configuration

The network installation configuration determines whether AutoCAD files reside on each client workstation (thick client) or on a server (thin client).

Installing AutoCAD on each client workstation ensures optimum performance. Installing AutoCAD on the server shares a single copy of the executable files, takes up less disk space on the client workstation, and simplifies the task of installing or upgrading the software. You can combine client and network installations depending on the configuration of your network.

When you run the Network Setup wizard, you must choose your preferred installation configuration from the following options:

  See Also
Network Setup
Set Up an Advanced Network Configuration

TCP/IP Packet Types

The Autodesk License Manager uses TCP packets by default.

NOTE There is a 10-connection TCP/IP limit with Windows NT and Windows 2000 Workstation editions. Each AutoCAD session increments against this ten- connection limit, in addition to other connections that require access via TCP. If you have more than 10 clients that need to access a single license server, use UDP as the default packet type. The Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server editions do not have this limitation.

If you choose to use UDP as your primary packet type, note that AutoCAD does not support the redundant server model with UDP packet transmission. To use UDP packets, you must set the environment variable FLEXLM_COMM_TRANSPORT UDP on each client workstation. See the FLEXlm User's Guide (in the Autodesk License Manager\docs folder and on the AutoCAD 2002 CD) for additional information on setting environment variables.

License Management

Rather than purchasing a single-user license for every AutoCAD user or workstation, you can purchase a network license for a maximum number of concurrent users, and purchase additional licenses as needed. You can also upgrade from a single-license package to a network-license package.

AutoCAD uses either TCP (default) or UDP packets to communicate with the Autodesk License Manager (AdLM). You can't configure AutoCAD to use both packet types simultaneously. The packet type you use depends on your network environment and the number of clients assigned to a specific server.

  See Also
Autodesk License Manager
Network Setup

License Operation and Availability

When a user starts AutoCAD, AutoCAD reads the licpath.lic file located on the client workstation to determine which server it should try to obtain a license from. AutoCAD then sends a message to the AdLM server listed in the licpath.lic file through the network protocol and requests a license. If the number of available licenses has not been exceeded, the AdLM assigns a license to the user. The AutoCAD session then starts on the workstation, and the number of available licenses is reduced by one.

NOTE If you use environment variables in a distributed or redundant server model environment, these variables take precedence over the settings in the licpath.lic file.

The client and server communicate at regular intervals to keep track of licenses in use and manage license availability.

When a user exits AutoCAD, the AdLM frees a license for another user. Multiple sessions on an individual workstation use only one license. When the last session is closed, the license is freed.

The following three processes direct license management:

  See Also
The License File
License Types and Behaviors
The Heartbeat

The License File

The license file contains licensing information provided by Autodesk. You obtain license file data when you register AutoCAD.

The license file contains information about network server nodes and vendor daemons, and an encrypted digital signature created when Autodesk generates the license file. The following is an example of the contents of a license file:

SERVER ServerName HostID
VENDOR VendorDaemon port=portnumber
INCREMENT IncrementName VendorDaemon Version ExpirationDate NumberofLicenses \
VENDOR_STRING=UsageType:LicenseBehavior SUPERSEDE DUP_GROUP=DupGroup \
ISSUED=IssueDate ck= SN=SerialNumber SIGN=

The following table provides a definition for each license file parameter.

Redundant server model network component requirements 
Parameter  Definition 
ServerName and Host ID  Binds the license to a particular server 
VendorDaemon  The name of the server-side Autodesk license daemon 
portnumber  Reserved and assigned for use only for Autodesk products running the Autodesk/FLEXlm vendor daemon. 
IncrementName  Name of the product 
Version  The product release version 
ExpirationDate  The amount of time the license is available 
NumberofLicenses  Specifies the number of licenses (i.e. seats) to be managed by a particular server or redundant server pool 
VENDOR_STRING  Defines the license configuration settings, UsageType and LicenseBehavior 
SUPERSEDE  Replace existing lines in a license file that have a date earlier than the defined IssueDate. The Autodesk policy for modifying an existing license is to re-issue the entire license file. Since there can be multiple INCREMENT lines, the SUPERSEDE/ISSUED parameters are used to replace any previous product or feature of the same name. 
DupGroup  Defines how the server does or does not handle the sharing of multiple license requests. The default for this behavior is Host, which allows for multiple copies on the same computer to share the same license 
IssueDate  The date the license file was generated by Autodesk 
ck=  Can be used with the lmcksum utility to help verify that the license information has been entered correctly by the license administrator 
SerialNumber  The serial number of the Autodesk product 
SIGN=  The encrypted signature used to authenticate the attributes of the license file 

Following is an example of a completed license file for a single or distributed server model:

SERVER pc12345 123456789012
VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 41100ACD_2002_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 3 \
ISSUED=22-jan-2001 ck=231 SN=399-99999999 SIGN=6E88EFA8D44C

Following is an example of a completed license file for a redundant server model:

SERVER PC54321 210987654321 27005
SERVER PC12345 123456789012 27005
SERVER PC32154 321543210981 27005
VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 41100ACD_2002_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 3 \
ISSUED=22-jan-2001 ck=231 SN=399-99999999 SIGN=6E88EFA8D44C

NOTE The redundant server model requires the addition of a port number (the default is 27005) for each server.

The license file is located on a network share that you specify in the Network Setup wizard. The license file is required for using AutoCAD on a network. As a result, the license file must be located on a network share that is accessible to every user that runs AutoCAD from a network installation.

  See Also
Obtain and Set Up a License File
Use the FLEXlm Configuration Tools

License Types and Behaviors

AutoCAD supports dynamic product usage and license behaviors. This means that you can purchase a specific type of behavior with a specific license and change that license at a later date without having to uninstall and reinstall AutoCAD.

License types include Commercial, Not for Resale, and the following:

License behaviors are:

You can view license types, behaviors, and expiration information in AutoCAD by choosing Help> About.

The Heartbeat

When AutoCAD is running, it communicates with the license server at regular intervals using a communication method known as the "heartbeat". If the heartbeat connection is missed, the server tries to reconnect. If it cannot, it sends a message to the user indicating the license error.

Once the user acknowledges the message, AutoCAD starts a 6-minute countdown to give the user time to save his or her work and inform systems management of the problem.

When AutoCAD stops working because it lost a connection to the server, you must shut down AutoCAD and restart the program. If the problem causing the original loss of the heartbeat signal is resolved, and there are available licenses on the server, the program starts working again.

NOTE If you are using the redundant server model, this server model also passes heartbeats between redundant servers.

Deployment Types

With the Network Setup wizard, you can create a deployment image, which contains the files required to install a pre-configured AutoCAD installation on a client workstation. To create a different deployment image, run the Network Setup wizard again. Using this method, you can tailor AutoCAD installations for a variety of user needs.

Deployment images must be located on a network share that is accessible by all client workstations that require AutoCAD.

Part of creating a deployment image is choosing whether the client installation will be silent or interactive. You choose the deployment type in the Network Setup wizard.

NOTE Network-based (thin client) deployments are always silent installations.

Silent Installation

With a silent installation, choose the type of installation and the components of AutoCAD that all clients will use. The network administrator enters the serial number, company name, and related information for all clients. Typically this is company-related name and organizational information. During a silent installation to the workstation, a dialog box is displayed that informs users that AutoCAD is updating their systems while the installation is in progress.

NOTE If you choose a silent installation, users will not be able to specify the placement of AutoCAD files to their workstations.

  See Also
Create a Deployment Image
Configure the License Server
Network Installation Configuration

Interactive Installation

With an interactive installation, a user at the client workstation chooses the installation type and components of AutoCAD included in the installation. Additionally, the user must enter his or her own personal information.

  See Also
Create a Deployment Image
Configure the License Server
Network Installation Configuration

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