Requirements and Components

This guide includes information for installing and configuring AutoCAD® 2002 for Microsoft® Windows® 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, or Windows NT® on a network. This information is intended for network administrators.

Topics in this section:

System Requirements

Before you begin installing AutoCAD on a network, make sure that your network, servers, and client workstations meet the minimum recommended requirements for network installation. See the following table for hardware and software requirements.

Hardware and software requirements 
Hardware/Software  Requirement  Notes 
Operating system  Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation Edition with Service Pack 5.0 (minimum)Windows 2000 Workstation Edition  The Autodesk License Manager supports Ethernet network configurations only. 
Network interface card  Compatible with existing Ethernet network infrastructure  The Autodesk License Manager supports multiple network interface cards. 
Communication protocol  TCP/IP  By default, the Autodesk License Manager uses TCP packet types. You can optionally configure UDP packet types. 
Client Workstation  
Operating system  Windows NT 4.0 with SP 5.0 Windows 98Windows Millennium Edition (ME)Windows 2000  It is recommended that you install and run AutoCAD on an operating system in the same language as your version of AutoCAD or on an English version of the operating system.Windows 2000 users must have Administrator permissions to install AutoCAD. Not assigning these permissions can cause AutoCAD and third-party applications to perform incorrectly. See Windows 2000 Help for information about assigning user permissions. 
Processor  Pentium 233 (minimum)Pentium 450 or higher (recommended)Equivalent processor   
RAM  32 MB (minimum)64 MB (recommended)   
Video  800 x 600 VGA with 256 colors (minimum)1024 x 768 SVGA with 64 thousand colors (recommended)  Requires a Windows-supported display adapter. 
Hard disk  Swap space 64 MBSystem folder 60 MB (minimum) 75 MB (recommended)Shared files 20 MB   
Pointing device  Mouse, trackball, or other device   
CD-ROM  Any speed (for installation only)   
Network interface card  Compatible with the existing network infrastructure  Required for installing and running network versions of AutoCAD. 
Optional hardware  Open GL-compatible 3D video cardPrinter or plotterDigitizerModem or access to an Internet connection  The OpenGL driver that comes with the 3D graphics card must have the following:
  • Full support of OpenGL or later.
  • An OpenGL Installable Client Driver (ICD). The graphics card must have an ICD in its OpenGL driver software. The "miniGL" driver provided with some cards is not sufficient for use with AutoCAD. 
  • Web browser  Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0Netscape Navigator 4.5 or later  Internet Explorer 5.5 is installed with AutoCAD. 

    Network Installation Components

    You use the following components to set up and manage AutoCAD on a network.

    Network Setup Wizard

    The Network Setup wizard guides you through setting up a network deployment of AutoCAD. You can configure a deployment environment so that AutoCAD can be installed and accessed in the following ways:

    NOTE Push installations require third-party software that is not supported by Autodesk.

      See Also
    Network Configuration Models
    Deployment Types
    Network Setup

    Autodesk License Manager

    The Autodesk® License Manager (AdLM) provides authorization for clients running AutoCAD on a network. The AdLM also contains tools for network administrators that provide query and tracking capabilities. You install the AdLM using the Network Setup wizard.

      See Also
    License Management
    Configure the License Server
    Use the FLEXlm Configuration Tools

    FLEXlm Tools

    The Autodesk License Manager uses FLEXlm® technology from Globetrotter Software to manage network licenses. FLEXlm provides administrative tools that help simplify management of network licenses. You can use FLEXlm tools to monitor network license status, reset licenses lost to a system crash, troubleshoot license servers, and update existing license files on the fly.

      See Also
    Use the FLEXlm Configuration Tools
    FLEXlm User's Guide (located in the Autodesk License Manager\docs folder and on the AutoCAD 2002 CD)

    License Configuration Switcher

    You use the License Configuration Switcher to allow a workstation with AutoCAD installed from a deployment location to use either a network license or a stand-alone license. For example, users running a network license of AutoCAD on a laptop can use the License Configuration Switcher to switch their license configuration to a stand-alone configuration and take work on the road. When they return, they can switch back to a network license configuration. With the License Configuration Switcher, users can still be productive while their computer is detached from the network.

    To use the License Configuration Switcher, you must have a valid network license and a valid stand-alone license for the computer you want to use detached from the network.

    NOTE The License Configuration Switcher works with locked versions of AutoCAD only.

      See Also
    License Management
    Use the License Configuration Switcher
    Advertise in AutoCAD 2002
    "Changing the AutoCAD Setup" in the AutoCAD 2002 Customization Guide


    While not part of the AutoCAD network installation, a version of SAMreport called SAMreport-Lite is available to help you track network license usage. With SAMreport-Lite, you can monitor client usage for all software that uses FLEXlm to manage network licenses.

    SAMreport-Lite generates usage reports in a variety of output formats including HTML, text, and Report Interchange Format. For an overview of SAMreport-Lite features and instructions on installing SAMreport-Lite, see the SAMreport-Lite Getting Started guide. You can find the Getting Started guide on the AutoCAD 2002 CD in \Netsetup\support\AdLM\SAMreport-Lite\SAMLite-StartGuide.chm.

    For additional information about SAMreport-Lite, and for updates and fixes for this feature, visit Autodesk Point A at

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    Autodesk, Inc.