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FLEXlm End Users Guide

Version 7.1

August 2000

GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc.


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August 2000

Table of

Chapter 1 Welcome to FLEXlm 

1.1 Versions of FLEXlm 
1.2 How to Use This Manual 
1.3 Related Documents from GLOBEtrotter Software 

Chapter 2 Introduction and Overview 

2.1 Introduction to FLEXlm 
2.2 FLEXlm Components 
2.3 The License Request Process 
2.4 Configuring FLEXlm 
2.5 Getting Started Checklist 

Chapter 3 The License File 

3.1 Specifying Location of the License File 
3.2 License File Format 
3.3 Sample License File 
3.4 Types of License Files 
3.5 Decimal Format 
3.6 License File Order 

Chapter 4 Multiple License Files 

4.1 Overview of Combining License Files 
4.2 Using LM_LICENSE_FILE License File List 

Chapter 5 Selecting Server Nodes 

5.1 Resources Used by the Server 
5.2 Remote Mounted Disks 
5.3 Redundant Servers 
5.4 Counted vs. Uncounted Licenses 

Chapter 6 The Options File 

6.1 Creating an Options File 
6.2 Options File Syntax 
6.3 How the Vendor Daemon Uses the Options File 
6.4 Rules of Precedence in Options Files 
6.5 Options File Examples 

Chapter 7 License Administration Tools 

7.1 Running Administration Tools 
7.2 Universal lmutil Arguments 
7.3 lmcksum 
7.4 lmdiag 
7.5 lmdown 
7.6 lmgrd 
7.7 lmhostid 
7.8 lminstall 
7.9 lmnewlog 
7.10 lmremove 
7.11 lmreread 
7.12 lmstat 
7.13 lmswitchr 
7.14 lmver 
7.15 License Administration Tools--lmtools for Windows 

Appendix A Hostids for FLEXlm-Supported Machines 

A.1 Hostid Formats 
A.2 Expected FLEXlm Hostids 
A.3 Special FLEXlm Hostids 

Appendix B Troubleshooting Guide 

B.1 General Debugging Hints 
B.3 FLEXlm Troubleshooting List 

Appendix C FLEXlm Environment Variables 

C.1 How to Set Environment Variables 
C.2 Environment Variables 

Appendix D Frequently Asked Questions 

D.1 License File Questions 
D.2 FLEXlm Versions 
D.3 Using FLEXlm 
D.4 Windows Questions 

Appendix E FLEXlm Error Codes 

E.1 Error Message Format 
E.2 Error Code Descriptions 

Appendix F The Debug Log File 

F.1 Informational Messages 
F.2 Configuration Problem Messages 
F.3 Daemon Software Error Messages 

Appendix G FLEXlm Versions 

G.1 Version Compatibility and Components 
G.2 How to Tell the License File Version 


GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc.
Voice: (408) 445-8100
Fax: (408) 445-7760
FLEXlm End Users Guide
August 2000