AutoCAD 2002 NETWORK SETUP README Network Setup First Steps -------------------- To begin setup on a network: 1. Insert the AutoCAD 2002 CD into the CD-ROM drive and hold down the SHIFT key to prevent Autorun from starting the stand-alone installation. 2. From the Start menu (Windows), choose Run, and enter the CD-ROM drive letter followed by Netsetup\setup.exe. For example, enter d:\netsetup\setup. The Network Setup Wizard ------------------------ The following information is meant to assist you in verifying key checkpoints after you have completed network deployments with the Network Setup wizard. Please refer to specific instructions outlined in the AutoCAD(r) Network Administrator's Guide and the AutoCAD Readme.hlp file for the latest information. + To view the Network Administrator's Guide, double-click the file on the CD-ROM at \Netsetup\support\AdLM\Docs\acad_netguide.chm. + To view the Network Administrator's Guide (noncompiled version), double- click the file on the CD at \Netsetup\support\AdLM\Docs\acad_netguide.htm. Use this version for printing. Note: The CHM files cannot be viewed unless HTML Help is installed, and they do not function properly unless Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 is installed. Both of these are installed when AutoCAD is installed. Configure Today: If you want to use the default local Bulletin Board for AutoCAD Today, in the Network Setup wizard, on the Configure Today page, set one of the following locations in the Bulletin Board Location box: + For clients, enter \cadmgr.htm + For running AutoCAD from the network, enter \cadmgr.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have finished running the Network Setup wizard, you will have accomplished one or more of the following: * Created a Client Deployment Tree * Created a Network Deployment Tree * Installed AutoCAD to a network server If you have review the ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- * created a Client Deployment Tree Client Deployment Checklist * created a Network Deployment Tree Network Deployment Checklist * installed AutoCAD to a network server Network Administrator's Guide (From the Start menu, choose Programs and then Autodesk License Manager) Client Deployment Checklist --------------------------- + Verify that the share you have created for the client deployment is readable and accessible to the client sites that will run the setup program (setup.exe) that you have created. + If you wish to maintain a log (nwclient.log) of all activity and status for clients that run the installation program, ensure that the client deployment share is writable. You can modify the location of nwclient.log by using the Advanced button in the Network Setup wizard. + When notifying clients to run the installation, point them to the setup.exe file at the root of the share you have created. Tell them to reboot after installation. Network Deployment Checklist ------------------------------------------------- + Verify that the share you have created for the network deployment is readable and accessible to the client sites that will run the setup program (setup.exe) that you have created. + If you wish to maintain a log (nwclient.log) of all activity and status for clients that run the installation program, ensure that the client deployment share is writable. You can modify the location of nwclient.log by using the Advanced button in the Network Setup wizard. + Make sure that you have installed the network version of AutoCAD on the server from which clients will run AutoCAD. + Server-deployed installations are not supported by Live Update. CAD managers should manually update individual (client) workstations, starting with the one from which the installation was deployed (the Administrator machine). The Administrator machine must still have the correct server version of AutoCAD installed for the update to work properly. If you uninstall AutoCAD 2002 from that machine, you cannot update a server-deployed installation of this release in the future. + When you apply an update to the server, make sure that there are no clients running. + When notifying clients to run the installation, point them to the setup.exe at the root of the share you have created. + When advertising AutoCAD 2002 from a network deployment, at the end of the installation you will see this error message: "Problem with Shortcut: Fatal error during installation." Choose OK in this dialog box. The desktop icon and the Start menu icon for AutoCAD 2002 should then function properly. + Online Help in a network-deployed version of AutoCAD 2002 may not be fully functional. See the "Online Help Problems with Network Deployment" section below. Uninstall Example ----------------- The setup.exe located in the deployment folder (not the Image folder) also supports unattended silent uninstallation of AutoCAD on a remote workstation. The /U or /u switch uninstalls the copy of AutoCAD located on the workstation from which it is executed. The status is not recorded in either the client (acadsetup.log) or network (nwclient.log) log files. Example: SETUP /U WARNING: Uninstalling or running SETUP /U from the Administrator system of a network install removes AutoCAD from the server. Volo View Express Installation Issues ------------------------------------- With a network deployment, Volo View Express is not installed automatically on client machines. Install Volo View Express separately on each client. Be sure to reboot after installation. Online Help Problems with Network Deployment -------------------------------------------- + Online Help Is Missing Help Components Online Help in a network-deployed version of AutoCAD 2002 may not be fully functional. To fix problems such as missing Help information, Help buttons that don't bring up the appropriate context-related topics, blank Help pages, commands that are not found in the index, or Help buttons that don't work in dialog boxes, you must do one of the following: ++ Set the Help file name to use a "mapped network drive." 1. Make sure the network drive is mapped on your system using Windows Explorer. Example: \\myserver\apps mapped to K: 2. On the command line, enter options 3. In the Options dialog box, choose the Files tab. 4. Select Menu, Help, and Miscellaneous File Names. 5. Double-click Help File to see the path. 6. Change the path from a UNC path to the mapped drive. Example: \\myserver\apps\acad_install\help\acad.chm changes to K:\acad_install\help\acad.chm 7. Choose OK to close the Options dialog box. 8. Exit and restart AutoCAD. ++ Install HTML Help version 1.31 or later. 1. Exit AutoCAD. 2. Install HTML Help version 1.31 or later by running hhupd.exe. The hhupd.exe file can be downloaded from 3. Restart AutoCAD. + Online Help Query Tab Is Blank If the online Help Query tab is blank, do the following: Register awhhtab.dll on the system. 1. Exit AutoCAD. 2. Open a DOS window. 3. Enter regsvr32 \\networkpath\acad_directory\help\awhhtab.dll (Substitute the correct path to the awhhtab.dll file for your installation; it should be in the AutoCAD Help folder.) 4. Restart AutoCAD. License Server Configuration Issues ----------------------------------- + The FlexUser documentation suggests using a colon (:) to set an environment variable. This instruction is not correct; use a semicolon (;). + When using the lmtools options to Start the Server or Stop the Server, the status line displays "Starting server" or "Stopping server" and does not change. To confirm that the action has been completed, use the Windows Task Manager. + If the Redundant Server configuration fails, note that it may be necessary for the administrator to start the license server on each of the redundant server machines within a few minutes of one another. + Note that the syntax used in setting up a FLEXlm Options File is case-sensitive. + If you set-up an Options File to generate a report log, the path to the report log file must not contain spaces unless you surround the path name with quotation marks. If the path name does contain spaces, the log file may be created in the root directory (for example, C:\program), and the license manager service will fail to start. If this happens, delete the root directory file created (for example, "program" at C:\). You can then set the path with quotation marks or without spaces. + If you bring down the license server and start up a different license server, you must provide a new licpath.lic for each client. If you don't provide a new licpath.lic file, the FlexLM License Finder dialog box is displayed. If you select Specify the License Server, AutoCAD fails. SAMreport-Lite Issues --------------------- + Do Not Install SAMreport-Lite in a Path Name with Spaces The default install path for SAMreport-Lite is C:\GSI\SAMreport. If you specify a different install directory, make sure the path name does not include spaces (for example, don't specify a path named C:\Program Files\). The icons and bitmaps in the SAMreport user interface are not displayed if SAMreport-Lite is installed in a directory whose path name contains spaces. + Output Is Saved to the Desktop if No Path Is Specified If you specify an output file name but do not specify a path, the files are written to your current working directory. Sometimes, as a result, SAMreport-Lite places the output files in your Windows desktop folder, and the files appear as icons on your desktop. To avoid problems with the location of report output files, always specify a full path name for your report files. + SAMreport-Lite Expects Report Log Files to Have a .rl Extension SAMreport-Lite expects the report logs used as input for report generation to have the file extension .rl. If your report log file is named with a .log extension, you need to select All Files under Files of Type in the Report Log dialog box in order to find your report log.