This CD contains a wealth of software -- some free, some demo, and some shareware. All are meant to make InDesign work even better. Some are plug-ins that enhance InDesign directly, while others are stand-alone utilities that you will use before or after InDesign. Some are not related specifically to InDesign but will simply make your system run better or help you in other aspects of your publishing efforts. Free software is exactly that: free. You may use it at no charge. (You may not sell it to others, however. And you must get permission for the software's authors to redistribute it, even if you distribute at no charge.) Demo software is meant to be used on a trial basis, so you can see if you like it. If you do, you should buy the full version, usually available in stores and mail-order catalogs in a version that includes documentation and a CD or set of disks. Most demo software does one of three things to ensure that people don't use demo software instead of purchasing the retail product:  Cripple InDesign so documents created with the demo software can't be opened by other users (unless they have the retail software installed).  Provide limited functionality until you purchase the demo version.  Expire after a certain number of days of usage. Shareware is meant to be used on a trial basis, so you can see if you like it. If you do, you should buy the full version, usually available by sending in a registration fee and getting a code that converts the shareware into a fully functioning version or getting a fully functioning version on disk mailed to you. Most shareware does one of three things to ensure that people don't use shareware instead of purchasing the full product:  Cripple InDesign so documents created with the demo software can't be opened by other users (unless they have the retail software installed).  Provide limited functionality until you purchase the demo version.  Expire after a certain number of days of usage. Please pay for and register any demo software or shareware that you use regularly. It's fine to use these programs without paying while you're figuring out if they would really help you, but once you decide they are worthwhile, please support the companies and individuals who created the software so they can afford to create even better software in the future. How to Install the Software Installing the CD's software is easy. First, insert the CD into your PC. The CD should automatically display on your desktop like a floppy disk or hard disk. If not, go to My Computer, double-click it, and then double-click the CD icon. For programs that have a setup or installation utility -- which is most of them -- just double-click the installation icon and follow the on-screen instructions. For other programs, follow the instructions in the readme file.