[SetupText] OkButton=OK CancelButton=Cancel YesToAllTitle=Yes To All YesToAllButton=Yes NoButton=No ScreenMessage=Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET AppName=Setup WelcomeTitle=Welcome WelcomeText=Welcome to the %s Setup Program! InstallTitle=Install The %s Files Where? InstallText=The Setup program will copy the %s files into the specified directory. Click OK to continue. ExitTitle=Are you sure? ExitText=Setup has not completed installing the files. Are you sure you want to exit Setup? InstallingTitle=Installing.... InstallingText1=Setup is installing InstallingText2=to FinishedTitle=Finished! FinishedText=Setup has finished installing the %s files. Enjoy! NoRoomTitle=Not enough free space! NoRoomText=You don't have enough free space on drive %c to install all the files. Please free up some space and try again. ConfirmReplaceTitle=Confirm File Replace ConfirmReplaceText1=This folder already contains a file named '%s'. ConfirmReplaceText2=Would you like to replace the existing file ConfirmReplaceText3=modified on %s ConfirmReplaceText4=with this one? ChangeDirTitle=Change Directory ChangeDirButton=Change Folder... FolderText=Folder NoChange=Setup will not allow you to install files to the root directory of a drive. Please choose a directory in which to install the files. SetupFailedTitle=Setup Failed SetupFailedText=Setup did not finish installing the files. Please run Setup again to complete the installation process. LongFilenameProblemText=There was a problem installing the files. Please restart your computer in safe mode and try reinstalling the files. (To start the computer in safe mode, press F5 when the computer beeps during the boot process.) ProblemInstallingText=There was a problem installing the files. Please restart your computer in safe mode and try reinstalling the files. (To start the computer in safe mode, press F5 when the computer beeps during the boot process.) BrowseTitle=Browse BrowseText1=Current Directory: BrowseText2=New Directory: CreateDirText=The directory you've specified does not exist. Do you want to create it? UninstallText=This will remove all the files in the directory to which %s was installed. Are you sure you want to continue? UninstallProblemText=Not all the files could be removed. Be sure none of the files are in use and run the uninstall program again. ContinueButton=Continue ExitButton=Exit Setup UpdatingTitle=Updating System UpdatingText=Setup is updating the files for %s.... OptionsTitle=Select Options InstructionText=In the Options list, select the items you want installed; clear the items you do not want installed. OptionStatic=Options: FolderTitle=Folder for Currently Selected Option SpaceRequired=Space required on drive %c: %s SpaceAvailable=Space available on drive %c: %s DescriptionStatic=Description: DescriptionText=Installs the %s files Bytes=bytes KBytes=KB MBytes=MB UpdateRegistryError=You must have administrator privileges for this program to work correctly under Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000. NoWindowsDir=You cannot install these files into a directory which is part of the Windows tree. NotEmptyDirectory=The uninstall program for this product deletes all files in the directory to which you install. The directory you've selected contains files which will be deleted if you uninstall this product. Are you sure you want to install here?