To run the AdoAdapterFromCOM.aspx sample, do the following: Register both DLLs by running: regsvr32 MyCompVB.dll regsvr32 MyCompMtsVB.dll To build the .NET wrappers, run the following commands: tlbimp MyCompVB.dll /out:MyComp.dll tlbimp MyCompMtsVB.dll /out:MyCompMts.dll Copy MyComp.dll and MyCompMts.dll to your application's bin directory (found in \inetpub\wwwroot\bin of your IIS installation). To switch betweent the non-MTS and MTS COM objects, comment out one of the following lines: MyComp.NWData mc = new MyComp.NWData(); // MyCompMts.NWMtsData mc = new MyCompMts.NWMtsData(); DLL Description Type ================================================================================== MyComp.dll .NET wrapper for MyCompVB.dll non-MTS COM object MyCompMts.dll .NET wrapper for MyCompMtsVB.dll MTS COM object MyCompVB.dll exposes "MyComp.NWData" MyCompMtsVB.dll exposes "MyCompMtsVb.NWMtsData" MyCompMtsVB.dll is registered as a component with a COM+ application