This application uses the BWSLib database, which is based on the Northwind sample database. To import the BWSLib database: 1) Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, create a new database named BWSLib. 2) Right-click the new database and select "Restore database". 3) Click "From device" to restore from. 4) Click "Select Devices...". 5) Click "Add" and browse to the copy of the BWSLib database in this directory. Click OK. 6) Click OK to restore the BWSLib database from the file. If you have problems importing the database file, here's how to create BWSLib manually: 1) Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, create a new database named BWSLib. 2) Right-click the new database and select "Import data. . .". 3) Using the DTS Import Wizard, select the Northwind database as the data source and copy the Employees table to BWSLib. 4) Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, right-click the Employees table and click "Design table". 5) Change the EmployeeID column to an Identity column. The Identity Seed must set high enough to avoid conflicts with existing rows. For an unmodified Employees table, an Identity Seed of 10 will suffice, but if you've updated table rows, set the value higher. 6) Change the EmployeeID column to a primary key. 7) Check "Allow Nulls" for the LastName and FirstName columns. 8) Save your changes. This application requires access to the file system. To enable access, follow these steps: 1) Using Windows Explorer, right-click on the application directory and choose the Security tab. 2) Click Add and select the ASPNET user account. 3) Give the ASPNET user account Write and Modify permissions. 4) Click OK.