Compile the control first and then copy the DLL file in the BIN folder of the Web server. To compile the control, run the c.bat file. The batch file assumes that the Web server is on disk C. Edit it if this does not match your system settings. =========================================== To run this page you need to have a custom stored procedure in Northwind: CREATE PROCEDURE Orders_Summary_By_Customers_And_Year ( @nYear int ) -- Year to consider AS -- Retrieves the orders by year and customer ID. Each order contains the total price SELECT customerid, od.orderid, SUM(od.quantity*od.unitprice) AS price FROM Orders o, [Order Details] od WHERE Year(orderdate) = @nYear AND od.orderid=o.orderid GROUP BY od.orderid, o.customerid ORDER BY o.customerid -- Retrieves all the customers with extra info and totals SELECT c.customerid, c.CompanyName, Total=SUM(od.quantity*od.unitprice), TotalOrders=COUNT(DISTINCT od.OrderID) FROM Customers c, [Order Details] od, Orders o WHERE Year(orderdate) = @nYear AND c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID AND o.OrderID = od.OrderID GROUP BY c.CompanyName, c.CustomerID ORDER BY c.customerid GO SuperGrid supports SortExpression BUT 1) Cannot be empty string 2) Can be missing 3) If specified MUST match one of the column's sort expression