In order to run the EditingRowsWithUpdateSP.aspx file, you need to add the following stored procedure to the Northwind database. (Make a backup of Northwind first.) ========================================================== CREATE PROCEDURE MySampleUpdate ( @nEmpID int, -- EmployeeID @sPosition nvarchar(30), -- Position to update the Title column @sCountry nvarchar(15), -- Country to update the Country column @NewPosition nvarchar(30) OUTPUT, -- returns the current value of TITLE @NewCountry nvarchar(15) OUTPUT) -- returns the current value of COUNTRY AS UPDATE Employees SET Title=@sPosition, Country=@sCountry WHERE employeeid=@nEmpID SELECT @NewPosition = Title, @NewCountry = Country FROM Employees WHERE employeeid=@nEmpID GO ========================================================== To see the advantages of this approach, you might want to try also adding the following trigger: ========================================================== CREATE TRIGGER HandleUpdate ON Employees FOR UPDATE AS IF UPDATE(Country) UPDATE Employees SET Country='United Kingdom' WHERE Country = 'UK' ========================================================== It simply expands UK to 'United Kingdom'. You see the difference when you add UK and returned the right contents in the DB.